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after seeing your filei would use the engine object to retreive curx cury of band when line# =1, store in global variables when line#=7 set the engine curx cury to desired values
post a copy of your .fr3 file here
use page columns in the obp event of mdband write code to move to newcoluumn if< line#> =7 then engine.newcolumn
wrote: Currently this runs smoothly with Quickreport which I am working to convert to FR. In Quickreport I use a Subdetail and a Child band but FR does not allow me to use Subdetail. It keeps on telling my that the band is in the wrong place. …
ChildBands can only be chained to each other what you probably should be doing is setting the visible property for the child
in reports onstaet report event movedataset to first record store field value in a variable move dataset to last store field value in another variable then move dataset back to first record
tfrxpictureview can connect to a blob field or use loadfromstream or loadfrom file methods tfrxpictureview.picture.loadfromstream
Have you written code at the delphi level for the userdataset's onfirst, onnext onprior and on eof events? objects are processed top down depending on band type and left to right in order of creation, possitional properties are in pixels
sounds like 1 query group header masterdata group footer group header condition department put graph in footer
set the largeheightindesignmode prop to true
try var Page: TfrxReportPage; Page :=frxMyReport .Pages[1] as TfrxReportPage;
write code in thhe obp event of the band to set visible property of the memoview object memo3.visible =(< line#> = 1);
Yes you can use an frxuserdataset component you will need to write external code to control movement in the dataset see the various demos in the demo folder
Yes you can create vaeiables and make report 2 pass in first pass increment variables in second pass assign value to memoview text
Is report 1 or 2 pass have you set the report ccache I notice you are loading a lot of photos
Unclear as to what you are asking
in which event are you trying to make calculations? the IIF function is for use in a memo and the sumfunction is for use in amemo in a footer
Did you build this expression using frs expression builder or did you just type it in the memo view? I assume you have the memo in the correct footer
Sorry i missed the fact you had the dataset name in the begin end. block it must be a datasetname not a table name didn't mean to mislead you, not in office til tomorrow
it seems like your first call to ds does not have the name of the dataset ie ds := Report.GetDataset('frxDBDataSet1');
Did you try my suggestion to troubleshoot? Where are you writing this code ? another tip place the value you are trying to enter by code in the memo and see if the report runs as expected. if it does then you are probably missing string delimit…
not clear topic says without bands post says with which is it?
you stated "I have a report that provides Employee Names and one or more lines of information in a group footer. " are you now saying the lines are not?
create a variable at start of code page myvarname set value to 1 when report starts(bottom of code page empty begin end block) add an empty memo in footer behind all others set stretch smmxheight in its conditional highlight expession myvarname …
I DON;T WORK WITH .NET but i would expect you are cancelling before you are in the second pass. mod this code footerText.Text = "[Page] / [TotalPages]"; delphi e xample if engine.finalpass then footerText.Text = "[Page] / [TotalPages]"; flse…
you can.t do it that way the chart is trying to print before it has data. same problem as trying to show group totals in the header. however you can get around this using fixed data(striings )for the chart and a 2pass report the chart values mu…
each pair of memos must be in one band setmemo 1 to stretch to max height and set its vertical alignment to center
first get the correct object then the correct property. try this TfrxRichView(frxReport1.FindObject('Rich1')).RichEdit.LoadFromStream(memStream);
What version of fr are you working with? purchased basic, pro, enterprise or embarcadero version or fmx send me the code where you are setting up the report gord@fast-report.com
nuumeric values do not need delimiters passing values to categorized variables frxReport3.Variables := 10; frxReport3.Variables := ''''+'sometext'+''''; //string frxreport3.Variables := ''''+sintkij+''''; // Delphi string variable frxreport3.…