Continuous columns in a template
I'm wondering if there is a feature within FR that will let me display the 3 data items together only displaying 6 results and then continuing the next 6 results on another group of 3 data items right next to it? My query only returns 12 results. I've attached an example of what I am after, hope you can help as very much a new guy to FR.
Thank you.
Thank you.

in the obp event of mdband write code to move to newcoluumn
if< line#> =7 then engine.newcolumn
This is certainly closer to what I am after however it it is displaying the 1st six results and then continues the rest of the results on a new page and not next to the other 6 which ideally is what I am after.
It is within DetailData2 that I am trying to get two columns to show side by side. I've tried to just just use the columns property but it is going across and down when I need down and across.
Thank you
when line#=7 set the engine curx cury to desired values
Thank you for your help but I have no idea on how to do that. I've never used engines and unsure how to declare them as a variable [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> void DetailData2OnBeforePrint(TfrxComponent Sender) { if ((<line#> >=1) && (<line#> <7)) Engine.CurX = Engine.CurX; else if ((<line#> >=8) && (<line#> =<13)) Engine.CurX = Engine.CurX + 20; }[/img]
Thank you for all your help, after a fair bit of code I now have it working as needed. A lot more complicated than I thought it would be