Show jpeg from database in TFrxPictureView
I am converting from Quickreport to Fastreport.
In QR I used a blobstream to read a jpeg-blob from a database to a TQRImage using this code in OnBeforePrint event:
This does not work with Fastreport.
Can anybody please advise how to proceed?
In QR I used a blobstream to read a jpeg-blob from a database to a TQRImage using this code in OnBeforePrint event:
  bS: TStream;
  Pic: TJPEGImage;
  bS := [database].CreateBlobStream([database].FieldByName('picture'), bmRead);
        Pic := TJPEGImage.Create;
          Pic.LoadFromStream(bS); // Load jpeg from stream into Pic.
          TQRImage(FindComponent('QRImage' + IntToStr(i + 1))).Picture.Bitmap.Assign(Pic); // Put Pic into Quickreport - Qrimage.
This does not work with Fastreport.
Can anybody please advise how to proceed?
I know how to do it in Delphi but I need to do it in FR OnBeforePrint event where
does not work.