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Thanks Paul. So far it seems to be working OK, but I haven't tried to export yet, I think that is what didn't install properly.
I got it to work, here is the code I used ((TfrxReportPage*)Report3->FindObject("Page1"))->PaperHeight = 355.6; // For Legal size paper 8.5 x 14 inch ((TfrxReportPage*)Report3->FindObject("Page1"))->PaperHeight = 279.4; …
Does that just take the same data and resize it to fit the page? The reason people are using the larger paper is so more data will fit on the page.
The latest version I have no longer has an export button, but the save button allows you to save as PDF, JPG, etc. The only issue is it has maybe 3 or 4 of each in the menu. Would like it to show one of each type.
I don't know why those fields are not found, but you could use a variable, then when it ask for the variable grab the value there void __fastcall TDM1::Report4GetValue(const UnicodeString VarName, Variant &Value) { if (VarName == "GetQuanti…
I'm sure you could save the PDF to a file then call ShellExecute with acrobat. Usually they have command line arguments that allow you to print directly. See this http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/...veloper_faq.pdf It's on the very …
You need to add the Export component to the form, then the JPG and PDF exports work the same way. After you print the report, add code like this JPEGExport->FileName = FN3; JPEGExport->ShowDialog = true; Report3->Export(JPEGExport);
I don't see any properties in the Export component for "Separate pages"
I figured it out (since I'm not going to wait 5+ days for an answer on this forum). Change the installation folder name from c:\Program files (x86)\fastReports\FastReport 5 - the default Use these instead c:\Program files (x86)\fast…
Here is what I did that seems to have fixed it....... Installed XE7 version of FR5. Then make a copy of the LibD21 folder and it's subfolders. (I don't use the 64 bit stuff, if you do you'll need that folder as well) Install XE8 version. Wh…
Today I fire up Rad Studio XE7 and load this project, and I get "Memo1.StretchMode - Invalid property value". So frustrating!
It's the ShiftMode - it was set to smAlways (should have been smDontShift) . I have never used this property, so I wondered how it got set. This report was an old FR2 .FRF report that I saved to be a .FR3 file, so it converted it incorrectly.
Tech support on this forum is really bad lately
It appears that the Gradient object is causing the problem. I removed it, and now it prints fine.
Try opening the report with a text editor and remove the following text PrintOptions.Printer="....."
Only version 5.3 is listed in my download area, why no older version?
If I set "Link with runtime packages" to false, it works fine. I think there is a bug in FastReports 5 VCL. I already installed the new April 17th upgrade.
You can turn off a band like this ((TfrxBand*)FastReport3->FindObject("DetailData1"))->Visible = false; You can do this from the GETVALUE code from an earlier band's data.
I created a brand new report, and created everything from scratch, and now it works like expected. So something on the first report isn't quite right, but I got it working.
Try copying the file from \Program files\...\libbcb6 to \Windows\System32
I put a breakpoint in OnGetValue, and I run my report, and the breakpoint never gets hit. 3.12 didn't work either. Are you telling me that OnGetValue works in your 3.14 just like it worked with 2.5x ? Thanks for writing!