Spacing not as designed

edited 10:25PM in FastReport VCL 5
I opened a FR2 report and saved it as a FR3 report. The conversion left out a lot of data, the only thing that actually worked was the memo's were in the proper location. This actually saved a lot of time because there are a lot of memo's on the report.

I filled in many of the memo fields (still have many more to fill in). But when I preview the report the spacing is not correct, there is too much room between certain memo's.

I am using C++ Builder XE7 and FR 5.3.8

See the attached files



  • edited 10:25PM
    Tech support on this forum is really bad lately
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:25PM
    Try to set ShiftMode to smDontShift, StretchMode to smActualHeight or smDontStretch for all TfrxMemoViews
  • edited 10:25PM
    It's the ShiftMode - it was set to smAlways (should have been smDontShift) . I have never used this property, so I wondered how it got set. This report was an old FR2 .FRF report that I saved to be a .FR3 file, so it converted it incorrectly.
  • edited 10:25PM
    Today I fire up Rad Studio XE7 and load this project, and I get "Memo1.StretchMode - Invalid property value". So frustrating!

  • gpigpi
    edited 10:25PM
    Send your fr3 file to support: or create support ticket

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