Randomly missing fields in dataset

edited 10:36PM in FastReport VCL 5
Sometimes a report just get: "Field not found:" for some of the fields.

As it occure rarely it's very hard to find out the cause of this random loss.
I would like to have some suggestions of what to lookup for. Maybe there are som settings of the components that can be critical.

In my program I creates the components dynamically but even though I understand that all standard settings is used automatically if I don't change them.

Here is a part of a report that shows how it look like:


  • edited 10:36PM
    I don't know why those fields are not found, but you could use a variable, then when it ask for the variable grab the value there

    void __fastcall TDM1::Report4GetValue(const UnicodeString VarName, Variant &Value)
    if (VarName == "GetQuantity")
    Value = TableMasterPrices->FieldByName("Quantity")->AsString;
  • edited 10:36PM
    I'm not sure how to do this... I use Delphi and but I can still read your code. The problem I see is that you is coding outside the report and is not familiar with that.
    Could you please explain this a bit more in detail?

    It has been a while with no errors but now it has happend again and solved only by restarting the program.
    It's strange when some fields from the same datasource is resolved but other not.
    MotoX wrote: »
    I don't know why those fields are not found, but you could use a variable, then when it ask for the variable grab the value there

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