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Hm... good idea, sometimes..... There are only minor Changes in unit frxPrinter; Most of them are inside Compiler-conditions procedure TfrxPrinter.SetPrintParams(APaperSize: Integer; has some changes: New:   if ABin = DMBIN_AUTO then  …
Hy, this code seems to be broken with the latest FR (tested with 4.13 as well as 4.14). In 4.10 everything is working fine. Currently we are not sure, but it seems the native function doesn not work too. frxPrinters.Printer.SetPrintParams …
Yes, your should Try the PageHeader or ReportTitle-bands. And - you should read the Documentation and look in the very good examples. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.g…
Svip wrote: » I have a report where a band should be able to start a new page depending on a user configuration when committing the data. The idea is that the option to page break is part of the parameters sent to the report module for gathering …
doncht wrote: » I think this may need to be suggested first and will need a lot of +1s additionally. with the current speed they increase PDF Export (we would need this too) this will be implementet in the year 2999..... http://www.fast…
Petter S. wrote: » Petter S. wrote: » Yes, i use a bad word now: WTF. For MANY MANY years people are asking for a usefull PDF export now. Our customers are beginning to kill us because of the worse pdf export. Say a price and we pay for …
Hey, peoples - still no awnser? Whats going on? Do you just develop for "New technologies" now? Its fine that FR is compatible with FireMonkey now. Would be interesstant how many developers focus on that. The customers, buying your product years …
Yes, i use a bad word now: WTF. For MANY MANY years people are asking for a usefull PDF export now. Our customers are beginning to kill us because of the worse pdf export. Say a price and we pay for it. Our most important customer today says: …
Andreetje wrote: » Use several printers connected to the same port with different settings is the easy way [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> In the beforepri…
thats a bit tricky. 1) Search for Printer Bin here in Forum. Exspecially for >TfrxHackedPrinter< best is to read the FR-Sourcecode. the code should look like this: frxReport1.PrepareReport; InternalPrint; procedure Internalprint; var …
try to set more brakets. eg. aroung "=TRUE" all around there are also brakets. "[]" i use such kind of group headers very ofent and its working well. ;o) blumache wrote: » Another error in my reports ...in FastReport 3 works well...after mi…
There where some sourcecode issues too (exspecially with <> and [])
use the integrated code generator. you code should look like this: +';'+ mahono2 wrote: » Hello, I'm kind of a newbe in FR, and I need some help. I'm trying to insert coustam bar code in to report. This bar code is made from 3 fileds. …
khoffrath wrote: » I tried several ways to create PDF files with rtf fields from FR and found the best tool to achieve this is eDocEngine VCL from Gnostice. It outputs the rtf fields as text so that it can get copied and indexed. There is an e…
hansluijten wrote: » I'd love to see vector support as well ... (although I realize it might not be that simple to implement) Transparency for PNG's would be nice too any news here? feature for FR 5?
reganc wrote: » Any takers? perhaps the "compress option" is not true per default in FR 49? check the compress option.
i will add us to the list to. we need that feature also. and we would pay for it too.
do you know ehere exactly the exception is raised? do you have the code line?
I think your pointer is wrong. Perhaps your FR-Component is destroyed at another point (Owner Component Destroy) already but your pointer is not cleared there. Try: In OnDestroy of your FR-Component set your global pointer to nil. saxy …
Make a supreport for MasterDataBand 1 - Payments MasterDataBand 2 - Receipts and one Subreport for the others. This will work. Daniel
I think you should take a look for "OldStyleProgress" or sth like this in ReportOptions. I dont have a Fast-Report here so thats only a thought. Daniel
There are many possibilitys: insert a band and change Visible:=Visible AND Page#=1; Or Insert a second Page in the designer with the new margins. Or Change Height of you top-Band (PageHeader) in dependence of your Page#. E.G If Page#=1 then …
I would try to use the script-featuer. Its more transparent and you can see what happens. In OnBefortPrint of your DetailBand you can sum a custom variable. Daniel.
???? There is an event "OnBefortPrint" @ PageHeader / Footer. so you can count Before PageHeader is print and get the correct Page# Declare a variable "myPage" And in OnBeforePrint do myPage:=myPage+1; Daniel
Hy Bernd, use the reporttitle band for first and last Page and normal PageHeader/Footer for other things. You can set "PrintOnFirstPage" e.g. in PageHeader. Daniel
See in the Demo. There are many templates with Sourcecode. Daniel
In Delphi try Project->Options-> Tab Application-> Icon. I think there is the mistake. You do not see the icon of your Mainform in the explorer, you see the application-icon which is set there. Daniel
Yea but where is the problem? You need a MasterData - Band, DetailData - Band and a SubDetailData - Band. Assign the correct DataSet to each Band. You can create your Query components at designtime in Delphi and link them with TfrxDBDataSet…
Hm not really. in my app i had 2 problems: 1) i need data in depends from Values of fields. So i wrote a Own functions named SQL_PREPARE(SQLSTRING : String); SQL_OPEN; SQL_GETFIELD(FIELDNAME : String); I call this funciton from inside my r…