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I know that poblem, it occurs if you have an old version installed and try to install a newer one. Is this right? Uninstall the old version and try it again.
And what kind of data-components do you use? ADO? So you want do get data in depened from values of the report?
Memo.Width in Script ?! (Note that you should have the right Align to set Width)
good question. For that purpose I wrote a own function that i call from inside FR. The Return Value is FieldByName - Value of the requested DataSet. function GetDynamicField(DataSetName, FieldName : String) : Variant; In Delphi with FindCo…
look in demos in fr3 source path. They will awnser your questions.
hm i dont really know this but look for PrepareReport; ShowPreparedRecord; So FR does not reprint and you can show one Report often.
Hm, normally i would do this with a pagefooter? (You can chek Page#=TotalPages# to determinate if your on last Site) And on next site on Pageheader. MemoBroughtForward.Visible:=BroughForward>0; BroughtForward is a variable that contai…
make a picture like the first one but select that memo. So we can see the propertys of that memo.
solved? What is the heigh of that Memo? Please select that memo and make a picture WITH ObjectInspector in it so we can see the Property Values.
LoadSaveStream : TMemoryStream; LoadSaveStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; TMemoField(CimReport1.r_blob).SaveToStream(LoadSaveStream); frxReport1.LoadFromStream(LoadSaveStream);
Have you turned on strech or stretch to max high? Try to set text at bottom (Property VAlign of Memo object) Daniel
see also http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/2531 and http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/2531
see http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/2524
Hi Shane, the problem seems to be a incompatibility within fr316 because they changed the <> Variable - Tags to old [] behavoir (fr25). So you have to change all your scripts from :=+1; to [MyVar]:=[MyVar]+1; I also went back to …
wrote: But i think fast report team should also have a backward compatibility for the "<>" tag Is that not the case? That would explain my probs with fr316 too. Daniel
I do it in OnFormCreate. and the rest in frxReport1UserFunction Daniel.
Yes I know the problem with PageFooter and a child there. And sth like this also doesnt work?: If = then begin MemoSignatur.Visible:=True; PageFooter.Height:=150; end; Daniel
I do things like this with PageFooter.Visible:== and put on TwoPassReport in ReportOptions. That works fine for me. Daniel
I'm not sure, but in earlier time you had to (and I do it actually in the same way) frxReport1.AddFunction('function EMPTY(In : Variant) : Boolean', 'Cimsoft Report', 'Returns True If "In=0" or "In=''"'); Also try CompareStr or sth that does n…
Yes, in Delphi : frxReport1.Variables:=''''+ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+''''; in FR : Picture1.LoadFromFile(+'picture1.jpg'); Daniel
Hi, i used fr25 and use fr3 in a standalone dll without any probs. Works fine. Daniel
Hi Juergen, its very simple : If your Picture-Object is named "Picture" then Picture.LoadFromFile('FileName'); I have declared Variables for the picture files. in Delphi : PathApp:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); frxReport1.Variable…
hm I don't think so. I have converted some very big reports from fr25->fr3. Ok, I NEVER use pictures in the Designer, whether i load them at runtime with Picture.LoadFromFile or I store them in a BLOB field in the DB and so during design time …
Hi, in FR25 you can save the Reports in fr3 - format. I have installed both packages in my App : fr25 and fr3. In my Print - procedure I do fr25.LoadFromBlobField fr25.SaveAsFr3 fr3.LoadFromSaveStream fr3.StartDesigner ... (look f…