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Alex : Dear, Does not exist old politics of customer for the FR4? Making "Upgrade" of the version 2.5x for 3x in this month costs less of the one than to be old customer? As below: Price of FastReport 4 FastReport 4 editions Basic $…
Gordk, At the moment of the impression I need to eliminate the lines blank of the Rich1. I tried to use the following code, but it did not function because in the Rich1 it does not have the property Lines. procedure Rich1OnBeforePrint(Sender…
As I make this for code.
No FastReport 3 voc?? faz a composi?§??o no pr??prio componente frxReport. Leia os manuais para saber como criar composi?§??o de relat??rios diretamente pelo componente frxReport. Atenciosamente, Marcos
Please, necessary to know above with urgency of the question. I did not find nothing on the subject in manuals. Somebody can help? Tanks
Alex, You can liberate the code source of multilang.exe? Desire of this incorporated procedure inside of mine app. Tanks, Marcos
Yes. Please, it uses the object "SubReport" in "DataBand" after the initial data. It informs the data of the second page in "SubReport". Regards
All documentation of the FreeReport could together be lowered with the full version. The manual of the FreeReport also is available in the site. Regards
Please, it tries to use frReport in a DataModule, has access it for FORM B and the FORM for what to need. I believe that thus the error will disappear. Regards Marcos
If you to want an aid, sends the compact files for the email: [url='mailto:suporte@prmas.com.br'>suporte@prmas.com.br[/url] If the files to be very great, sends only some reports as example. I will try to convert them and I will send to it …
It can have had error at the moment of download. It tries to lower the converter again, it is the best way for the conversion of the reports. Regards Marcos
Nagalho, The component frCompositeReport does not possess properties of PageHeader or PageFooter. It only adds some reports in one. For this you he will have that to include PageHeader and PageFooter in each report and later adding them frComposi…
Alex, In the compilation of the project when we use filter pdf, it generates error in line 440 of unit frxPDFFile. Lines.Text := TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).WrapText; I modified the line as below and decided the problem. Lines.Text := TfrxCust…
To convert the reports and project files fr2.5x for fr3 uses "Utilities" as link below: "Utilities" section My Webpage Yes, it is possible to install the two versions of the FastReport at the same time. Regards Marcos
FreeReport is not distributed with the Bulgarian language. If you to want to use it with this language, will have to translate the archives ".RC" of the folder "Res/English". Later compiling the archives, it will have to copy them for the fold…
I am Sorry, I did not want to offend. Which of the examples of reports FR3 uses given in pageheader and pagefooter? None! For this we use Databand. It is clearly that he would be excellent to be able to make this in FR3. But, I do not fi…
DataField will have to be used in DataBands, not in header or footer bands. For this they exist in the FR3, six levels of bands of data. Regards Marcos
It forgives, I did not understand its doubt. Which the problem that you are finding to full the memorandum? Which the other components you would like to connect in real time? Regards Marcos
Modifies the properties of the FRDesigner "SaveDir" and "OpenDir". Regards Marcos
Vasile, It is clearly, would be good we to have the functionality of the FR3 simultaneously filling the two forms. But this is not an error of the generator. It remembers: In the inspector of objects of the FR2.5x it does not have place to …
1 - It inserts inside of the band of data desired to an object "SubReport". 2 - It inserts the data in the bred page as "SubReport1". 3 - Click in "preview" to visualize the report. Regards Marcos
Inside of the FastReport folder you it will find a subdiret??rio called "prngrid". If you it will not have in its computer, makes download of the version "fr2.5x demo". There you it will find the example. Regards Marcos
I think that the only form of you to print these data is creating a report through code line. To know as to make this he reads the manual of the programmer. Regards Marcos
Alex, Also I reproduced the problem with the NameCase() function, therefore it is not returning the first letter in upper case. Regards Marcos
The FR3 allows two forms to return the values from the field. The first one is inserting the reference of the field in memo. Second it is indicating "dataset" and the "field" in the inspector of objects. When we make drag and drop of a fiel…
It reads "User Manual". In it you it will find information on the construction of reports. Regards Marcos
Alex, I am thankful for the fast solution. Now it functioned correctly. Best Regards Marcos
I agree to the user diasw. It would like that the archives were available for download in MS-Word format. Thus the user could modify as its necessity. Regards, Marcos
You it will be able to modify the height of the frame, modifying the property "FrameWidth". Regards Marcos
At the moment where it will be to call the report modifies the property of frUserDataset or frDBDataset: "RangeBegin = rbCurrent" and "RangeEnd = rbCurrent" Regards Marcos