Manuals without page-numbers

Hi FR,
I guess your FR3 is a very good product, but I suggest to use a paging-function in the manuals: having 150 pages printed out and not having a page number there is, hm, not very practical.
As a programmer I like everything on screen, but it is normal to print a documentation when it has more than about 20 pages: you find your stuff very fast and can read while programming. Except when you have no pagenumber on the pages...
I guess your FR3 is a very good product, but I suggest to use a paging-function in the manuals: having 150 pages printed out and not having a page number there is, hm, not very practical.
As a programmer I like everything on screen, but it is normal to print a documentation when it has more than about 20 pages: you find your stuff very fast and can read while programming. Except when you have no pagenumber on the pages...
It would like that the archives were available for download in MS-Word format.
Thus the user could modify as its necessity.