FastReport 4 demo is available!

What's new in the FastReport 4?

Report Designer:
- new XP-style icons
- the "Data" tab with all report datasets
- ability to draw diagrams in the "Data" tab
- code completion (Ctrl+Space)
- breakpoints
- watches
- report templates

Report Preview:
- thumbnails

- splitting a big page to several small pages
- printing several small pages on one big
- duplex handling from print dialogue

Report Core:
- "endless page" mode
- images handling, increased speed
- the "Reset page numbers" mode for groups
- reports crypting (Rijndael algorithm)
- report inheritance
- drill-down groups
- frxGlobalVariables object
- "cross-tab" object enhancements
- line object can have arrows

Download the compiled demo of FastReport 4 here:
mirror 1:
mirror 2:

We appreciate your feedback! Tell us what you think on the newsgroups at
[url='news://' ] news://[/url]
or on the forum at


  • edited 1:31AM
    Alex :


    Does not exist old politics of customer for the FR4?
    Making "Upgrade" of the version 2.5x for 3x in this month costs less of the one than to be old customer?
    As below:
    Price of FastReport 4

    FastReport 4 editions

    Basic $79
    Standard $179
    Professional $249
    Enterprise $349

    Upgrade from FR3 (purchase date after May 1st, 2006 is a FREE upgrade
    to the same FR4 edition)

    Upgrade Professional $139 X Professional to Enterprise $99

    If I still to make "update" of "Professional" for the version "Enterprise" in this month, cost U$ 40 less than to be old customer, and profit component still extra?

    It is this same?


  • udiudi
    edited 1:31AM
    When export a field with AllowHTMLtag to PDF (put some text in Bold) , you will get a bitmap in the PDF.
    This encrease the PDF file size and you can not select text in the PDF.

    I tried the report number 32 from the Demo - when you export to PDF - you get one big bitmap ...
    I was expected that it will be fix in FR4. Will it be fixed ?

    Thanks, Udi
  • edited 1:31AM
    I try quickly the demo and I've got one word in my mind : professional.
    Windows are well designed and the look is perfect.

    I try "New features > Endless page height", I preview it and I export the result to pdf. Some borders are not saved, often the right border and sometimes the bottom border.

    Thank you

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