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- petesouthwest
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Hi I have now sent 2 emails (one yesterday, one this morning) to sales at fast - report dot com but have yet ro recieve a read reciept or reply. Can you let me know whats happening? Thanks Pete
Hi Thanks for the reply, although I must admit I didnt understand it I did solve the problem though by doing some processing and: creating a stringlist adding the data from my address fields to the string list: wrote: if (qryCDReques…
Hi Thanks Gord. Unfortunatly I would love to buy the pro version straight off, but as a business just starting out and not making any money yet I have to save very penny I can! For the project I have at the moment the basic version should be e…
Hiya Thanks for the help I also found that if i format the whole expression as wingdings, rather than just the tick that worked too! Cheers Pete
Sorry I had a space after the 'if' the expression works now. except...... Now instead of the the wingdings tick I get a latin u? hmmmmm
Hiya I did as you suggested; made the database store 'Y' or 'N', and then used a richtext object with the expression: if([query1."ass1edn"]='Y','√','x') where the '√' was wingdings font that looked like a better tick! However, when i…
Hi I'm not an expert, but I would try looking at the source fo the data. Are you using a table or a query? Try adding a dbgrid to your form just to see what data is being passed to the report. Pete
Ah HA!! Thank you
Hiya No, the shapes are being added to the report in designer mode. All I have on my form is the tfrreport and datasource components. I also tried saving the report and loading it in at run time, but get the same error on the frreport1.loadfro…
Sorry tired, didnt mean to shout should have been a plain old 'thank you'!
Thank YOU
Thank you! I think that is my cross tab problem sorted for a while... Pete
further to my last post! I have finally found frdemo and tracked down a doc4.frf that appears to be a cross tab report. I was saving my report in the dfm, not sure what the advantage of saving the report as a frf and then loading it is? Anyway I …
Hi Thanks for this help. I dont think I have the printable2 demo, I have a prntable but it doesnt have an onbefore print event. You were write about me not having assigned the datasource properties of the cross databand to be the fruserdataset…
Hi Further to my last post, I have looked and steped through the demo. Am i right in thinking that the fruserdataset is basically being used as a 'counter' to count from 0 to the number of fields in the table/query? Is this because the rangeEnd p…
Hi I saw that the demo was somehow building the report at runtime with code. Is that absolutly necessary? I have not got a clue what the code is doing with the fruserdataset's. Is there a tutorial I could follow somewhere that explained what I wa…
but nobody seems to reply to the questions in the free report forum!
ah ha! I have found out....... for others who may want to know: I needed to set the storeInDFM property to 'TRUE'. Thanks anyway...