Average Responce time for tech problems
I'm interested to hear roughly how long people are waiting to get answers to their problems. When I was posting questions in the fastreports 2.xx about a year ago, I seemed to get answers fairly quickly. However a couple of days ago I asked what i considered to be a really easy question (how do you upgrade from basic to standard) and still have no replies. Looking on the forum it seems like lots of questions go un-answered for ages
Is this a momentary glitch due to holidays etc (which is quiet understandable for small businness) or a symptom of people doing other things? (more worrying) Are other reporting component publishers any better?
I'm interested to hear roughly how long people are waiting to get answers to their problems. When I was posting questions in the fastreports 2.xx about a year ago, I seemed to get answers fairly quickly. However a couple of days ago I asked what i considered to be a really easy question (how do you upgrade from basic to standard) and still have no replies. Looking on the forum it seems like lots of questions go un-answered for ages

many times the same question has been answered already and a search of the forum or news group will find the answer.
and of course if all else fails RTFM.
IIRC when you are a registered user your download page will have a link to upgrades.
My own personal opinion
start with pro version
don't waste time on basic or standard unless you only work with simple reports.
and don't need scripting or source code.
gord k
Thanks Gord.
Unfortunatly I would love to buy the pro version straight off, but as a business just starting out and not making any money yet I have to save very penny I can! For the project I have at the moment the basic version should be enough, but who knows what next week will bring!
RTFM? Read the F*** Manual? Hmm well, I must admit that I was impressed with the user manual that I downloaded with the demo, but sometimes it is nesessary to have someone explain things. If it wasnt all those expensive training courses by big software houses would disapear along with universities and there would only ever need to be one book on any subject etc!