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I have the same problem, and I've posted a question in the mailing list, without having an answer. It's not logical from a report point of view, but it is from a dataset one! You know that you have reached the end of the group only when you are in …
Me also would like to know what "a lot of bug fixed" is! You should definetly provide a list. Do you Alex use something like http://www.fogcreek.com/FogBugz/ ? I'm a regular reader of http://www.joelonsoftware.com/, so I'm quite sure it would be a…
Hi Gordon Thanks for your reply. You write: "...however the problems may lie in copyright infringement and licensing from adobe". AFAIK, PDF is an open format, and you find a lot of Free Software documentation also in that format. In addition, …
It worked! Thanks a lot! Btw, the path order (with LibD6 at the end) was the one made by the installation program. Ah, could the installation program should use $(DELPHI) instead of the full path? It will shorten the string and make it more redable…
My IDE Tools -> Enviroment options -> Library -> Library path, where related to FR3, is (with added line breaks for better readability): $(DELPHI)\FR3\Source\ado; $(DELPHI)\FR3\Source\bde; $(DELPHI)\FR3\Source\dbx; $(DELPHI)\FR3\Source…
Hope that Samanta is also a programmer... I fear some IT terminology translation made by not programmers... Best regards Marco Menardi
I really prefer correct printed spacing, if I can't have both. My business will be hurt if I present bad printed work, while having it not exactly as in preview is not that important. Please, how can I switch to the old (better) behaviour? Thanks
AlexTZ wrote: Answered in the fast-report.com support system. Please. where exactly is the answer? I can't find it
Ettore wrote: PS: we are traslating resources in Italian. Argh, I'm doing the same thing! I'll write to you privately to give you my (partial) work.
I'm translating it (pro version) in Italian... maybe it will take another 2-3 days to finish.
Any workaround? I would like to have something like this: | | | | | N. Items 25 Total 254 Status DONE | | …
Bert Binnenmarsch wrote: Bert Binnenmarsch wrote: FR3 demo (based on alpha 8) can be found at http://www.fastreports.net/files/FR30demo.zip It's still there, maybe a newer version. unfortunatly not, it's the same alpha 8 version
Could you please consider it as a "very desiderable" addition? Maybe a further selling point against other report products. Thanks Marco Menardi
AlexTZ wrote: You can convert PDF to image (bmp, jpg) and use as a page backgound. FR3 does this. The problem is that with raster images, if you want a A4 paper at 300dpi resolution, you have a HUGE bitmap created and transmitted to the print…
Well, I *do need sources*, but I can't pay 1,000$ for the "Enterprise edition" ("enterprise always means very expensive, right?). I 'm waiting 3.0 for a long time, and only NOW I know about your change of policy? Why not provide the sources for the…
I don't like M$ .NET, I hope never have to use it, or later than I can. Will you drop (or no more develop) FR VCL as soon as the .NET version will be available?