Update 3.09 bugfix

I Downloaded 3.09 and see that for example the freezing object inspector bug is still there. I've mentioned other bugs with tfrxdbxdataset and changed stuf myself. In the 3.09 changes.txt it says only 'bugfixes'. Is there any place where I can find what has been fixed, without spending hours to see what is and what is not fixed..? I just can't find it somewhere... Should be good for the fastrep team as this saves the same questions over and over again! But again, maybe it is somewhere, I just can't find it....


  • edited 6:28PM
    There is no detailed description of the bugfixes.
  • edited 6:28PM
    thats a pity. Exspecially as I believe a problem with the tfrxdbxdataset and masterdetail is solved. Should be good to know cause right now there happens, at least on my side, some strange things with parameters in these cases and now I must start debugging all over again. If I knew there wasn't anything fixied I would be sure that the new problem lies on my side. Anyway if I can reproduce the problem (detail dataset won't open cause of a (..?..) of the master) I'll let you know.

    I'm a builder myself and a 'fixed' list isn't that much work and is appreciated by allmost everyone. I would be very pleased with it!
  • edited 6:28PM
    Me also would like to know what "a lot of bug fixed" is! You should definetly provide a list. Do you Alex use something like http://www.fogcreek.com/FogBugz/ ? I'm a regular reader of http://www.joelonsoftware.com/, so I'm quite sure it would be a good product for bug/feature request management. In any case, a simple list would be great (I'm sure you have it somewhere at Fasterport inc ;))
    Providing a listing of what is fixed is the normal behaviour in software developement and deploy, isn't it? :)
    btw, thanks for your work. I'm still in 2.54 but I will jump to 3.0 soon... seems really good to me.
    Marco Menardi

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