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Ok, found the reason. getData() is called as many times as the expression array element count. Normally it has two elements - DataColumn and Expression - so its called twice.
I had the same question and found that, still working this way with FR 6.5 (can't copy the link) 1) put the TfrxGZipCompressor component into your project; 2) go designer, choose File|Save as, file type = compressed report. Best regards
Thank you for confirming that. I made my own out of the delphi units
Thank you, that is easy. Couldn't find it in the NetProgrammersManual Best regards
Thank you, found it. Is it possible to configure the FastReport environment in a way that I can store the settings in my application folder? Best regards
I have the impression, that not too much people using FR4 with Lazarus. Most of them seem to be fine with LazReport. Maybe better ask on Lazarus forum? On the other side its not too hard to create this controls. Years ago I implemented the IBO da…
ps. wrote: » Can't find any information about Lazarus support in VCL 5, it's included? AFAIK, actually Lazarus is not supported. The FR4 Lazarus port is done from an external developer Regards
meto wrote: » Hi, I have a dotmatrix printer and ı want to print some files in text mode. But fastreport 4.0 in c# prints graphic mode. I can only print in text mode after export to txt. There is a option in delphi fastreport; ı can choice r…
cwwhy wrote: » how to add oracle store procedure as datasource for the fast report ? thanks For direct access you need a FR to Oracle database connection and some kind of datatable control class which can handle stored procedures like a …
integraldev wrote: » Hi all, I have an issue printing from fast report in dot matrix printer. In order to get "good" print result, i have to save the report first as word document and print it from ms.word. How to avoid that? so i want to pri…
ninadgac wrote: » Is there any tutorial about frxUserDataSet component ? How to use frxUserDataSet ? How to assign values at frxUserDataSet and How to extract same ? I searched lot on the net and help topics , hardly there is any information or sa…
afarinesh wrote: » how to set special Localization on runtime in c# (programming)? I guess its not possible. AFAIK FR studio is basically FR VCL version compiled with COM interface. The language resource strings are static. Best regards
You need to register the database extension dll in designer under -Options - Plugins Best regards
Mark Elder wrote: » Defines whether a report is a two-pass one. Hello, there is no additional documentation. The only way to find out is, try for yourself or ask here. DoublePass property allows to inquire/use informations which are o…
In my eyes, actually there is one main thing to complain about. Why for heaven's sake there is no public bugtracking system??? Every single developer has to test and find out which bug is fixed or which one is new or came back. Every single develope…
arthursilvestre wrote: » Good morning everyone, I wonder if there is any command in FR that can override the 'eject' which is by default after any impression, for I q generate reports for printing on reel and is always to start ejecting one new re…
Mark Elder wrote: » I am getting started with my first project that uses Fast Reports. I'm trying to decide if I should embed my reports in DFM files or if I should save my reports as .fr3 fields and load them separately. Hello Mark, it…
danielrail wrote: » One of the sessions for CodeRage 8 next week(more specifically the first session October 17) is a vendor showcase with the title "What's New in FastReport 5 and FastCube 2", with Micheal Philippenko. I'm really curious …
Interesting information at the end of this news entry ;-) http://www.fast-report.com/en/news/301/
rommel wrote: » How to set the paper size programmatically ? You can set the paper size, by using the OnPrintPage event. procedure TFMain.frxReportPrintPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; CopyNo: Integer); begin Page.PaperSize:= DMPAPER_FANFOLD…
Business with VCL components is becoming hard. Delphi marked is shrinking every year. Might, that its not worth anymore to pay a full time developer for only few paying customers. Lots of ex-delphi programmer (like me) using Lazarus, but there are t…
Nice :-) I never tried this FastScript stuff.
Sorry, I should have marked my comment as ironic. Lots of people are waiting for "FR5", even nobody knows which features this version might offer...
Just read the anouncements ;-) http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/7483
I'm not sure that I understood your needs correctly. I think the only chance to use a data filter, parametrised by a FR dialog, is to send all data to the report and realize the filter inside the report script code area. Of course you can write a F…
Did you check for open datasource and valid data? By the way - you are in the wrong forum. This here is for FR .Net
bahadir wrote: » how can i fix this error... Hard to say, what is your development environment how are your project settings?
You can open the designer at runtime, but there is no pdf export. Why you need pdf from designer?? Actually there is no export filter in FR4.14 Lazarus at all. Ulrich
Just got answer for my support ticket : "We're planning to implement this feature in next versions." Well, I don't expect too much, but receiving an answer at all is a good sign ;-)
You can cast parameters to Int64 to avoid ambiguous function calls : if MethodName = 'ROUND' then Result := frxInteger(Round(Int64(Caller.Params[0]))) else if MethodName = 'TRUNC' then Result := frxInteger(Trunc(Int64(Caller.Params[0]))) Th…