New version FastReport VCL 4.15 - NOT WORKING AGAIN

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New version FastReport VCL 4.15

October 3, 2013

Traditionally supports the most wide range of Delphi versions (from 4th to XE5 for today).
64x supports as well as 32x (sorry we forgot to write about at the previous release where whas also).
C++Builder SUpport as well as Delphi (yes XE5 is supporting now too).

Traditionally Fast Reporting and XML as the main report format.

+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support
+ Added Internal components for FireDac database engine
+ fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX and iOS viewers
+ Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor
- fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report
- fixed problem with PNG images
- fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent

if you expect that this two thinks:
- fixed problem with PNG images
- fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent
was fixed you are wrong. they work only on design time. if you execute the compiled application, they don't work.

and under windows 8 Pro 64bit with 32 bit Delphi application there is problem with the frxDB Fields. instead of showing the fields value you are printing fields names.

how I sad in embarcadero forum, embarcadero are selling expensive pictures and the components of the 3-rd parity companies not working two. maybe because the are teaching from embarcadero, to sell expensive pictures instead working components too.

Five years ago I became a top reporter for bugs for components of another company, which were claimed to be working.
Naturally, this led to my desire not to use their products.

Now look at that and other manufacturers of components are the same.
Tell me your opinion on how we do our job, as the only thing we do all day is:
1. to check how to use some component. ??? because there is no use case examples or documentations
2. to check to see if I have made a mistake or the component is not working. ??? because there is no use case examples or documentations
3. to report found by me problems. ??? because I need the component to work
4. hope that soon would be eliminated the problem ??? because I need to done my job
5. To verify whether the reported problems have been fixed or not. ??? to see will I be able to done my job.

and so constantly from morning to night .

at the same time, my work is not done, and I have not received any payment for that to be a beta testers or quality control.


  • edited 7:56AM
    In my eyes, actually there is one main thing to complain about. Why for heaven's sake there is no public bugtracking system??? Every single developer has to test and find out which bug is fixed or which one is new or came back. Every single developer has to write his personal tickets in this ugly useless ticket system which don't deserve this name. Every ticket has to be answered individually by FR. Well actually my tickets stay unanswered ... And great news : A real bug tracking system can assign tickets to releases... But hey, FR never ever cares for boring release cycles or schedules...

    Best regards

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