Embed Reports or install .fr3 files

I am getting started with my first project that uses Fast Reports. I'm trying to decide if I should embed my reports in DFM files or if I should save my reports as .fr3 fields and load them separately.
I can see some of the Pros/Cons but wondering what if there is any standard or issue that would sway me one way or another.
Some issues I am thinking of are:
Embedding in DFM:
- Exe is Larger
- Installer has fewer files to deal with
- More programmatic control of report (?)
Install separate files:
- Reports could be updated with rebuilding exe
- Need to load reports from file at runtime
- Version control (may be clearer in subversion logs when/what reports changed)
I am getting started with my first project that uses Fast Reports. I'm trying to decide if I should embed my reports in DFM files or if I should save my reports as .fr3 fields and load them separately.
I can see some of the Pros/Cons but wondering what if there is any standard or issue that would sway me one way or another.
Some issues I am thinking of are:
Embedding in DFM:
- Exe is Larger
- Installer has fewer files to deal with
- More programmatic control of report (?)
Install separate files:
- Reports could be updated with rebuilding exe
- Need to load reports from file at runtime
- Version control (may be clearer in subversion logs when/what reports changed)
Hello Mark,
it depends also whether you plan to modify your report files during runtime by designer. How to store back the modified report file? How you will manage more than one report file? Create form and report component for each report? I would prefer to store the report files externally. Its just one line of code to load them.
Best regards - Ulrich