Documentation with "What" and "Why" answers?

Mark ElderMark Elder SD, USA
edited 7:25AM in FastReport 4.0

I'm trying to get started with my first Fast Report Projects. I'm having trouble finding documentation that answers "what" and "why" type questions. For example I have been looking at the DoublePass property in the help files trying to figure out if I should set it for my reports.

This is all I can find in any of the help files:
property DoublePass: Boolean;
Defines whether a report is a two-pass one.

DoublePass: Boolean
Equal to ???True,??? if the report is a two-pass one. Analogous to Report.EngineOptions.DoublePass.

I have a the following files:
- DeveloperManual-en.chm
- FR4.6ProgrammerManual-en.chm
- FR4.6.UserManual-en.chm
- FR4.hlp.

Am I missing a different resource out there that will explain what happens differently What will happen when different properties are set and Why they should be changed?




  • edited 7:25AM
    Mark Elder wrote: »
    Defines whether a report is a two-pass one.


    there is no additional documentation. The only way to find out is, try for yourself or ask here.

    DoublePass property allows to inquire/use informations which are only available after the report has already created. For example if you want to print number of total pages on your pagefooter.

    Best regards

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