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- Groffy
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EarlyBird wrote: » Do you have a roadmap for what is planned this year (2013) for FastReport VCL I don't expect an answer from FR here. News published on November/2010: "We solved to transfer release of FastReport VCL v.5 to begin of 2011" …
IkeaGuy wrote: » I am wondering how to use the DateEdit control.. I have designed the report, but as one of the fields is a date I am hoping to use a DateEdit control to provide a 'start' and 'end' date. So after adding a 2 DateEdit controls…
kuva wrote: » Is "FastReport?® for Lazarus" really a finshed product? I don't understand this "product" in general. Since November 2012 the regular FR4 VCL distribution contains Lazarus/FPC packages. I asked the FR guys wether they plan to …
Add frxDesgn unit in uses clause Best regards - Ulrich
The page is still there : http://www.fast-report.com/en/product/fast...or-com-activex/ Indeed strange, the product should be marked as deprecated minimum 6month before removing it... Ulrich
Windows XP FastReport 4.13 Enterprise edition Lazarus 1.04 Ok, finally I did it! * I just ignored everything whats in Lazarus.txt. * Added fs_idbrtti, fs_idbctrlsrtti files to fs_lazarus.lpk package * Compile fr4_lazarus.lpk and install …
Hello, maybe it would be interesting to know from FR-team in which constellation (Win7-32/64 bit, Win-XP, Lazarus 1.x) the packages were build and tested. pambry wrote: » Hello, I have the same problem. Please help us to test FR i…
Hello, it doesn't matter which data type the table column has. Just leave the [DataColumn] property of the Checkbox control empty and define in property [Expression] when the Checkbox should be checked. For example your column data type is Int…
Hello Alex, actually I'm using the Designer.cmdSave.CustomAction event for saving the report into a database. I noticed, that the save button is still active after executing the saving. Is there any flag I can set to disable the save button again…
Hello Alex, you are right its working as expected. The reason is, that I try to open more than one instance of the ReportDesigner at same time. I do create an EnvironmentSettings each time as well, but this seems to bring the problems. If I hook …
AlexTZ wrote: » The text export filter applies the command to the entire document. There is no option to apply it to some text objects. So I think it's not what you need. Ok, I see. Makes it sense to assign more than one PrinterCommand? The…
AlexTZ wrote: » There is no Remove method, I see no reason to do this. I try to use my own custom controls and would like to remove the category "Shapes" Best regards - Ulrich
Hello, its working so far, and basically I understood the differend Wizzard classes. One minor thing I recognized is, that the 16x16 bitmap I assigned to the custom wizzard/template during registration, is not visible in the designer [File - New…
AlexTZ wrote: » You may create own report wizards/templates and register them using the RegisteredObjects.AddWizard method. Hello, if I would like to create a new empty report. I created a class, derived from class Wizards.BlankReportW…
Hello, thank you - works so far. Best regards - Ulrich
AlexTZ wrote: » Hello, FastReport.Net has similar classes. Typically you need to inherit from ReportComponentBase class and do the following: - define properties; - override Assign and Serialize methods to assign/store properties; - override…