When will the Fast-5 Report??

edited June 2013 in FastReport 4.0
Hello ever had an announcement for some time about the release of Fast-Report 5 more so far nothing

Is there any estimate of when it will be released?

And now leveraging could be implemented in version 5 TPanel a component so that we could put objects inside it when moving the TPanel move everything that is within the same or even to hide several objects at once

Anyway it would be very practical one component of type TPanel



  • edited 7:41AM
    any position of the creators of the Fast-Report?
  • edited 7:41AM

    Yes looks over time this announcement is already two years and so far nothing like a position updated
  • edited July 2013
    Sorry, I should have marked my comment as ironic. Lots of people are waiting for "FR5", even nobody knows which features this version might offer...
  • edited 7:41AM
    I think that FR5 will never be released. AlexT will take it to his grave.
  • edited July 2013
    Business with VCL components is becoming hard. Delphi marked is shrinking every year. Might, that its not worth anymore to pay a full time developer for only few paying customers. Lots of ex-delphi programmer (like me) using Lazarus, but there are too much people with this "free beer" mentality, not willing to pay for software. I'm not complaining, I bought my FR4 licence years ago, and still getting updates for free. I would pay for an upcoming FR5 version, because the software is worth to pay for.
  • edited 7:41AM
    Groffy wrote: »
    Business with VCL components is becoming hard. Delphi marked is shrinking every year. Might, that its not worth anymore to pay a full time developer for only few paying customers. Lots of ex-delphi programmer (like me) using Lazarus, but there are too much people with this "free beer" mentality, not willing to pay for software. I'm not complaining, I bought my FR4 licence years ago, and still getting updates for free. I would pay for an upcoming FR5 version, because the software is worth to pay for.
    I have posted some time ago that the once-off receive updates forever model is not sustainable. If a developer has to survive based on his work he needs a regular income and that can only be achieved through a subscription model.
  • edited 7:41AM
    The worst thing is to see that "AlexT" nor ruled about
  • edited 7:41AM
    Interesting information at the end of this news entry ;-)


  • edited 7:41AM
    Maybe a surprise for Christmas >
  • edited 7:41AM
    JeromeC wrote: »
    Maybe a surprise for Christmas >

    You might have your wish! (Hopefully, mine too!)

    One of the sessions for CodeRage 8 next week(more specifically the first session October 17) is a vendor showcase with the title "What's New in FastReport 5 and FastCube 2", with Micheal Philippenko.

    I'm crossing my fingers that they are truly closer to release. But, this is not the first presentation of Fast-Report VCL 5 that they did, the last one can be found on YouTube dating back to January 2012.
  • edited 7:41AM
    danielrail wrote: »
    One of the sessions for CodeRage 8 next week(more specifically the first session October 17) is a vendor showcase with the title "What's New in FastReport 5 and FastCube 2", with Micheal Philippenko.

    I'm really curious about new features in FR5, unfortunenately I can't use. One of the developers wrote that FR actually do not plan a FR5 Lazarus port...

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