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- omik_1
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All these years have past. I remember when i just started using Fast Reports
Ive been searching for a solution to this for years. Still none. PeterHer wrote: » Hi All, I need to create a report that has a reporttitle (top align) on the first page, pageheader masterdata in the middle and a pagefooter (bottom al…
OK Den thanks for the information, I am learning every day. What is the simplest way to get the negative of a positive number or the positive of a negative number? eg. 4 to -4 or -4 to 4 I am currently using this formual (-1)X mutiplyling …
Retrn is a Booleen field in the following. procedure GroupFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin if = False then Set('SalesTotal',10); if = True then Set('ReturnTotal',10); if = False then SHowmessage(FloattoStr()); if…
One more question DEN, I have set the variables in the OnAfterPrint event of a group band. When ever I use that variable in a ReportSummary band it terminats the program. What reason why? all the other variables work including the system variable…
hmmm... Thanks Den.
I have always want to say but here it is. Can you put a Handle on the "Printing page x" dialog. If looks kind of .... dont know, funny with out it, to me that is. Maybe because most windows programs have print dialogs with handles. Ms Word, Ms Excel…
Project1 Access violation at address 00008000. Read of address 00008000. OK
For testing purposes I opened the demo project and added a frxPDFExport component. Then I added a few lines to make the code look like this: frxReport1.ShowReport; //Export to PDF frxPDFExport1.FileName := 'd:\newfile.pdf'; frxReport1.Prepar…
I also get the same error messages (lots of it). And the report worked fine in the old beta. The dataset is opened, the fields are there, the I made sure they were not renamed through the field aliases property. I my case however the dataset is a…
This was the code with a loaded report that keep giving AVs. frxPDFExport1.FileName := 'c:\testfile.pdf'; frxPDFExport1.OpenAfterExport := True; frxReport1.LoadFromFile('c:\reportfile.fr3') frxReport1.PrepareReport(); frxReport1.Export(frxPDF…
I keep getting AV and memory addresses. I was checking and the demo does not have a frxExport on the main form while all other export filters are there.
If you are testing I recommed you try Fast Report 2.5x insead of 2.47. Regards
Open the desired report in the Designer and Go File -> Save As... Change the File Type from FastReport from (*.frf) to FastReport3 form (*.fr3). I think this is how you do it. Regards.
The (good) exports (for PDF) cost even three times as much as the reporter itself.
I thought it was a bug at first but after modifing the DBDEMOS biofile.db table and clearing one of the fishes in the grafic field, I previewed the (Memos and Picture) report and got no error? Why would it not give the same error there?
When building my report I put a picture about 1in x 1.5in on it. I also set borders on all four sides. If I Stretch or KeepAspectRotio on the picture it works fine and does what it is suposed to do. However the BMP I use is about 4inches by 6inches …
Hi AlexTZ I saw the list of the new features, but just want to confirm if the PictureView was fixed. Regards Omik
Make sure report is Prepared first. Report must be prepared by PrepareReport or loaded by LoadPreparedReport.
Have you examined the frRtfAdvExport export?
Whats the cost on fr3 going to be like?
how soon is soon?
Try setting the page size of the report at runtime. frReport1.Pages.Pages.pgSize := (windows page size number)
Pirre "Seriously, are you saying that you could choose QR over FR???" I have not said this, I am asking for oppinion from those experience developers who have had the chance to work with both and do the evaluation, hence the poll. I am new to FR,…
Instead of filtering the tables you could try to use the Query to get the desired data from both tables. YOu Query uses SQL to retreive data form your database. Eg. code: Select all from Table1, Table2 Where Table2.Num = Table1.Num and Table…
Supply environment info for specific instructions. Regards
I had that before. But i thought Adobe Acrobat v6.0 Profssional was the ultimate PDF (writer, reader, etc.). Are you TZ Alex?
I am new to FR but since I hear FR3 in the making please consider the following Suggestions. 1. Implement Support Team 2. Objects should retain positioning relative to their bands when copied.
Tried that and again again. It shows ok when you designing the report. but as soon as you click preview you see the whole picture spread across the whole page. Any other suggestions?