Setting Variables
I have a DMP report, in it a defined variables <startdate>, <stopdate>, <total1> and <total2>.
I set te first 2 with the OnGetValus event. How do I set the valuse of the other 2 from withing the report in the OnAfterPrint eventy of one of the bands.
The following gives a message: ';' espected right in front of the variable.
procedure GroupFooter1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
<total1> := 4;
Please advise
D7, FR3.18, WINXP
I set te first 2 with the OnGetValus event. How do I set the valuse of the other 2 from withing the report in the OnAfterPrint eventy of one of the bands.
The following gives a message: ';' espected right in front of the variable.
procedure GroupFooter1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
<total1> := 4;
Please advise
D7, FR3.18, WINXP
I have set the variables in the OnAfterPrint event of a group band. When ever I use that variable in a ReportSummary band it terminats the program. What reason why? all the other variables work including the system variables, but the one that I set using the SET('VARIABLENAME',VALUE) dont work at all.
Thansk again.
procedure GroupFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
if <frxDBDatasetSalesSummary."Return"> = False then Set('SalesTotal',10);
if <frxDBDatasetSalesSummary."Return"> = True then Set('ReturnTotal',10);
if <frxDBDatasetSalesSummary."Return"> = False then SHowmessage(FloattoStr(<SalesTotal>));
if <frxDBDatasetSalesSummary."Return"> = True then SHowmessage(FloattoStr(<ReturnTotal>));
The above executes and shows the correct info. However in the ReportSummary Band I put and memo on it and in the memo I have [<SalesTotals>]. When the report reaches this expression is terminates indicating that there is somthing wrong with it.
Let me knoe if I am doing something wrong