Find field Problem on another dataset

I use Delphi 5 SP1 and FastReport V3 Registered

if Dataset of MasterData1 is [not assigned] or equal to frxDBTest1;
When I assing another Dataset's field on to MasterData1,
I get an error message like below;

The following error(s) have occured:
Memo1: Field not found: frxDBTest2."Address"

There is no problem like this in FR3 DEMO.
can I show different fields(that contain other Dataset) in the same MasterData?

PS: once, I asked a question before. (That Question is below)
So you said me "Please wait for the relase. we have changed DMP part."

Should I download patch files?

--> I want to use FontSettings when I prepare DotMatrix reports.
--> bold, italic, underline work for me.
--> but Condensed, wide, 12 cpi, 15 cpi don't work..
--> I want to print condensed some lines.
--> what sould I do?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:45PM
    for this part of your question

    if Dataset of MasterData1 is [not assigned] or equal to frxDBTest1;
    When I assing another Dataset's field on to MasterData1,
    I get an error message like below;

    The following error(s) have occured:
    Memo1: Field not found: frxDBTest2."Address"
    It could mean that dataset is not availabe to the report or the fieldname does not exist in that dataset or on conversion an alias may have been set for the field name.

    look at the memos data source and datafield props they do not need to be associated to a certain dataset. they can belong to any available dataset.
    but the programmer is responsible for making sure that the dataset used is opened and positioned where you want it.
    a memo can also contain a datafield in this manner
    You may also have to create persitent fields.

  • edited 6:45PM
    I also get the same error messages (lots of it). And the report worked fine in the old beta. The dataset is opened, the fields are there, the I made sure they were not renamed through the field aliases property.

    I my case however the dataset is a TQuery object and the query is opened before the report is prepared. I still get the filed not found message. It eve appears to be intermittent because when you close and run again some different fields are not found this time.

    Any more suggestions?

  • edited 6:45PM
    I also get the same error messages.
    -> in the PageHeader Datafields from the Masterdataset :
    The following error(s) have occured:
    Memo1: Field not found: __DS."Kreis"
    -> in the MasterData Datafield from DetailDataset:
    The following error(s) have occured:
    Memo1: Field not found: __DetailDS."Datierung"
    All Dataset open and work fine with FR 2.5x

  • edited 6:45PM
    I also face the same problem.
    I use a query dataset to join two table (Invoice Header and Customer)
    and place the Customer data in Page Header band and others in Details band.
    When open the report then I got the error message [Fields not found] in Page Header Band.

    The funny thing is when the error message is appear at the very first time the customer data is not showing at the preview form. Then if you ignore the error
    message and open the report again you will got the error message again but this time the customer data is show on the Page Header band.

    This error is never occured on the FR3 beta version. ;)
  • edited 6:45PM
    In this release you can't place datafields on the page header or report title because dataset is opened when a data-band starts to print. In the next release I'll change that.

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