QR vs RF

What do you think? I need to know I am about to make a decision on my reporting tool. I have used QR for a long time but recently I tried Rf and it seems much faster and easier. I find lots of drawbacks though (bugs) and when I tried to search for help (online) I fond this forum with people listing (more bugs). Have anyone have a satifactory testimoney?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:56PM
    Hi I have been using FR in all my apps since fr2.2
    Usually some minor bugs at version releases, most have been minor. and when you have registed version you have full source code so you can modify if need be.
    There is also a self help group on Yahoo, you will also find some good demos from various members in the files section, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fastreport Most of the messages about so called bugs, are due to the users failure to run the demos, look at code and concepts behind them and read the docs even as limited as they are, coupled with the demos you should be able to build complex reports quite quickly. Better to light 1 candle than to curse the darkness.
    regards ;)
  • edited 6:56PM

    "I find lots of drawbacks though". If you find so many drawbacks, what are you still doing here? ;) Seriously, are you saying that you could choose QR over FR???
    There must be something you did not get... you better continue testing.

    If you cruise along ANY newsgroups, only searching for bugs, you will never buy a product as they all have bugs. What you should do is make your own tests and see if you can find a report that you can't design and then ask here if it can be solved.

    I have been using succesfully as many others do, for more than 3 years in commercials applications and never found a drawback that stops me from doing a report. But maybe your reports can only be done with QR, I don't know.... ;)

    One of the best move I have made is throwing QR to the can.

  • edited 6:56PM

    "Seriously, are you saying that you could choose QR over FR???" I have not said this, I am asking for oppinion from those experience developers who have had the chance to work with both and do the evaluation, hence the poll. I am new to FR, my experience is with QR.

    I have been doing some testing, I was planning on redoing all my reports in FR251 before releasing the next version of my app. Early in the process (while setting up the ReprtTitle band) I came up on a problem.

    Eventually i reached here after trying to find help. Even spoke to the main guy TZ. I concluded that what I wanted to do was not possible in FR. Now I hope FR3 does it. I realy like FR and personally prefer it with despite the little experince I have had, just that one problem (which turns out to be very critical to the whole app).

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 6:56PM
    Right on Pierre!
    "I have been doing some testing, I was planning on redoing all my reports in FR251 before releasing the next version of my app. Early in the process (while setting up the ReprtTitle band) I came up on a problem."
    The title band is the simplest band it is either there or it is not, if present can be visible or not, great place to initialize vars at start of report if not using report dialogs. Only problem I have heard of is wanting to appear after the page header, if that is the case don't use it, just use a child band attached to the page header and turn it on for page1 off after that.
    regards ;)

  • edited 6:56PM
    Hello Omik_1,

    What you could do is post the image(pdf) in the other FR forum at

    So maybe someone else had the same issue and solved it.

  • edited 6:56PM
    No contest! FR is far superior!
  • edited 6:56PM

    I've bought and used qr several years ago, even before it was included in delphi,
    it was not flexible enough (I need an end user report engine in most of our apps) to fulfill my needs, so I've started using fr some days ago. I'm quite impressed.
    .. even the source is easy to understand (I mostly develop components:))

    for registrated users it's easy to write some additional components (e.g. a
    TRichView wrapper, other flat buttons with a different image behaviour, some mods inside the designer) because of the fact that the licensed product contains the source.



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