Help in Master-Details report

LogoutLogout Portugal
edited 7:04PM in FastReport 2.xx VCL

I buy FR 2.47, and I'm a newbie in this tool. ;)

I want make a Master-Detail report, and a Composite Report. I can't found STEP-by-STEP manual to make this!!! and help file is not a help file and online manual is very very poor!!! ;)

If anyone can help me, I Thanks very much. ;)

1) Master - Detail Report
Have this:
Table 1      Table 2
Num _______    Num2
Alfa      |____Num
Beta           XPTO

"Num" is the link field.
I need filter Table1, and see the report "filtered".

How I make this report Master (Table1) - Detail (Table2) ?
(if exist a help file tell me, thanks)

2) Composite Report
How I make this report. I make all reports, but How I ?«filter?» Table1, and all sub-report make filtered?

Thanks in advance.


  • edited 7:04PM
    Supply environment info for specific instructions.

  • LogoutLogout Portugal
    edited 7:04PM
    Hi omik,

    I have Delphi 7.0 PRO and a DataModule in Form.

    In the Report have this:
    - Report Title
    - Master Data
    - Header Detail
    - Data Detail
    - Footer Detail
    - Page Footer

    If you need more indications tell me.
    Thanks in advance.

  • edited 7:04PM
    Instead of filtering the tables you could try to use the Query to get the desired data from both tables. YOu Query uses SQL to retreive data form your database.

    Eg. code:

    Select all from Table1, Table2
    Where Table2.Num = Table1.Num and
    Table2.Num = (variable)

    Then assign a frDataSet Object to this Query.
    When you start the FR Designer you should see all the frDataSets listing all field to choose from. (You can even drag and drop)

    I am myself new with FR and new to offering help online.

    Best Regards
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:04PM
    compile and run fastreport\demos\reports frdemo.dpr project
    look at various reports also look at the units of the project
    datasets is data module, tables queries and frdbdataset connections, unit2 is the form containing report objects,
    regards ;)
  • LogoutLogout Portugal
    edited 7:04PM
    Hi all,

    Finally I make my Master-Detail report! ;)

    I put frDataDBDataSet's connected to TDataSource's, create connection Master-Detail in tables, in Report "connect" bands to frDataDBDataSet's. I filter tables, and report "show" the filtered fields.

    I don't know if is the best way to make this report, but work! ;)

    Now, to make a "Composite Report", anyone can post Tip's to make this?

    I need filter a table (Costumers) and show Documents and Sales (others tables), in same report, I thinks the best mode is a composite report!

    Any help is welcome.

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:04PM
    gordk wrote:
    compile and run fastreport\demos\reports frdemo.dpr project
    look at various reports also look at the units of the project
    datasets is data module, tables queries and frdbdataset connections, unit2 is the form containing report objects,
    regards ;)
    see my previous reply it is all there in front of you
    regards ;)

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