where is the FastReport Support Team ?

This is a bug for the fastreport as for me.


I want to use Large size paper with dotmatrix print. (IBM Proprinter)

Report orientation is must be poPortrait. Because if use the LandSpace then documantation is reverse printing. Paper is Contiual paper size with 38 cm height 28 cm. It is a govermant form for Turkey.

Use the Pages[0].Chanepage and change the paper size. Screen layout is good but when the printing start, then margins is automaticly set the printer margins and lost the documantation right side.

If it is a bug please resolve this problem.

Pls help me about problem.


Recep MUT.
;) ;)


  • edited 6:49PM

    In my opinion, I can a) expect a quite bug free product and ;) good support even from a 10$ product! Why? They wan't to be elected 'Product of the year'. And support is part of that. There are so many concurrent products on the market that they should help their customers in every aspect.

    Just my opinion, but they'll loose customers if their support is bad
  • edited 6:49PM

    This has been an ongoing process for me too. It's publicly known that FR'support is not the best in the business...

    I wrote to Alexander a few weeks ago and I asked him what was the matter, that we never see him anymore in the ng. I replied that he was working full time on the FR3 docs and he was about 80% done. Let's hope new habbits (more active support mainly) will come with FR3 ;)

  • edited 6:49PM
    Well - if he has 80% by now and this is an ordinary software project, this means that it took 20% of the time by now. The last 20% will take 80% of the time ;)

    Anyway - "nearly bug free" is something I simply forget when it comes to report generators. I worked with RB7 and this generator even has problems summing up values within groups - when it has to insert a page break, it'll sum up this value twice... and it can't handle nested groups... must I say something about QuickReport ;)

    Anyway - I won't vote for a product without support - and I'd really be willing to pay - as it is impossible to provide a real good support for free. What about all these customers simply not having read the manual properly? Sometimes it happens to mee, too. And when asking an expert a question that would cost me hours of searching manuals and examples - why not pay for it.

    Kind regards,

  • edited 6:49PM
    Hi Mark and all other readers,

    this seems to be a nice discussion about support...
    Fast Report claims to have a support team (see home page / about " ... Our employees will be pleased to help you with any questions you might have about FastReport..."). So, IF they advertise support, they should (in Germany: MUST) fullfill their promise. It is as simple as that: If I buy a tool from a company which says: Support costs extra. I have no problems to pay extra, because I know this limitation before I buy it. But when I buy FastReport(-experts/-scripts) I expect support, because that's what the ad said.

    One of the reasons I buy software tools is the support. Take Developer Express. They answert EVERY question, no matter WHAT you ask them. They say that, if you pay extra for support, your question will be handled with higher priority. In case I need it, I will pay for that. But, until today, I've asked oddles of questions and had a return rate of 100% within 1-3 days (mostly 36 hrs.) FOR F-R-E-E.
    O.k. the tools cost more, but, they're worth it.

    LMD: I got feedback from Rafael at 4:30 AM local time. This guy never sleeped, I think. Sometimes, I got an answer after 1-2 hrs...

    Back to Fastreport. We don't have to discuss about the quality of the FR-tool in comparison to the other reporting software. What I've seen so far is, that the guy(s) use their heart. And THAT is the second most important thing (first is: skill).

    Let's hope, they make their support event better. BTW: I got an answer from Alexander after 3 days. Not bad ;-)

    ...just my opinion...

    another Mark
  • edited 6:49PM
    I am new to FR but since I hear FR3 in the making please consider the following

    1. Implement Support Team
    2. Objects should retain positioning relative to their bands when copied.

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