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G'day Mirco, A Test Project I made (from your instructions) using Delphi / Pascal works as required. Both GIF and PNG Files are exported AOK. We are using RAD Studio 11.3 / FastReport Enterprise v2023.1.3 on Windows 11. That spelling error in the…
G'day, I can't help with the specific error message (I didn't find it in a quick search of the source code). But one thing worth checking is if there are any frx.dcu files (and maybe fs.dcu too) on your system path from earlier instalations. If so d…
G'day Gregor, I don't know if it helps, but we went through a similar exercise (with older products) six years ago, needing to start each sub-report on an odd-numbered page, and to display "Page n of mm" in the Page Footer. The thread is …
G'day, First questions: When you installed the Trial were you given any options to choose from? Did the installation process add the frxADO2?.bpl and frxADO2?.dcp Files to the "LibD2?x64\" and "LibD2?\" sub-directories of the Pa…
G'day PK, Sorry I don't have a prototype to hand (we set this up in 2015 so all the original things have been "archived"), However I can do better than that and point you to the 2014 article that helped me get my head around this in the fi…
G'day Phil, Away from my desk right now, so I can't experiment. What you "thought" is my understanding too. I assume that "Detail2" is linked to "Childband" and is set up to resize if its collection of "memos"…
G'day PK, I don't know what your requirements are, but the "Export to CSV" Component like the others (e.g. "Export to Word") are very sensitive to the format of the report, and will insert cells in imitation of the designed repor…
.. back again ... I just did a test on an existing Report that first Previews the Report and then lets the User choose to save it / print it etc. The good news is that the OnAfterPrintReport Event only fires after the User chooses to Print the Repor…
G'day Markus, I haven't tested this out, but... Have you tried the OnAfterPrintReport Event. A quick check of the documentation didn't make it clear what the difference might be, but the Name looks promising... Cheers, Paul
G'day, I haven't used this component myself, but I did find this post on the Forums that might help you. https://www.fast-report.com/en/blog/show/master-detai-report-vb6/ I realise it is using VB but you might get some ideas... Cheers, Paul
G'day Dave, I haven't had to do this, and I haven't tested this out, but... The Orientation Property is attached to the TfrxReportPage instance for your report. Can you add two more instances and have the second one "Landscape" and the ot…
G'day, The Font and the Underline Property are independent. The first is handled by the Operating System's functionality, the second is managed by the DrawText Method of the TfrxCustomMemoView Component in the FastReport code. Good luck with the T…
G'day, The cheeky answer is "no we don't"! But the useful answer follows... Exactly how are you using this, and which version of FastReport are you using? Are you changing the property/ies of a TfrxMemoView Object? Reason I ask is that a…
G'day, Your problem reminds me of something similar. I vaguely remember we solved that "historical issue" by setting the Height of the Band to zero. Worth a try? Cheers, Paul
G'day Jayme, What you appear to have generated is a "stacked bar chart" (albeit a monochrome one). Were you expecting five separate bars? Off the top-of-my-head, it appears you have not specified an X-axis... I'll have another look when I …
G'day "Rod" ;-) Have you looked at the manuals available online? There is a helpful section https://www.fast-report.com/publicdownload/docs/FRVCL/online/en/UserManual/en-US/Script/CallingtheDBfields.html That will possibly tell you what…
G'day Dave, I don't have access to FastReport / Delphi right now, so this is a "guess"! Is the answer in the error message? Do you need to follow the last character in your script with a ";"? Cheers, Paul PS I'll have a proper l…
G'day, The Forums probably aren't the right place to "report bugs". Have you raised a Support Ticket? https://cpanel.fast-report.com/tickets Cheers, Paul
G'day Dave, The answers are both "yes"! Have you searched the: Documentation? Tutorials? Demo Projects? The following link goes back to v4 days. I expect you have a much more up-to-date version... https://www.fast-report.com/documenta…
G'day Tony, FWIW our Reports do something similar to your outlined approach (all Two-passes; all have Page Footer with "Page X of Y" on them; most have some sort of "running totals in variables"). We have tried to standardise th…
G'day, I am not sure I understand the question. In particular the reference to "MasterHeader ... out of design form". The types of Bands available (at least in FastReport v2023.x) are shown in the screenshot below. I don't see a "…
G'day John, That is a very neat solutiion! I hadn't got my head around this, but was going for something more complex Glad you "beat me to it"! Chheers, Paul
G'day John, I am making a lot of assumptions here because you don't say anything about versions of software or technique(s) for producing the Chart(s), so... Assuming you have a "modern" version of FastReport / RAD Studio installed, and th…
G'day, Going from memory only here, but I think your problem is the versions of Delphi / FastReport you are using. I have a vague idea that 10.4 / 11 had a lot of stuff about DPI rendering. And FR has changed a lot since 6.9 too... We have 11.2 / 20…
😎 Glad you sorted it out. Much more valuable to have achieved it yourself too! 😉 Cheers, Paul
G'day, How did you upgrade from v6 to v2023? In particular, how did you delete v6? Are there still references to v6 Paths in the IDE Options? Cheers, Paul
G'day, OK so can you "reuse" your existing code in Delphi (to get the variable value) in the TfrxPDFexport Event OnBeginExport? <code> with frxPDFexport do begin : FileName := <yourFRvariablevalue>; : end; </code…
G'day Craig, I've come to this late, sorry. I don't understand why you think Teechart has been "abandonned". We are running Delphi 11.2 (patch #1) and it reports that Teechart is v2021.32.210722, with FastReport 2022.3.5 (Enterprise). Repo…
G'day, I haven't tried this, but strongly suspect you will have a scope / visibility problem. I don't know how you can access objects declared the Delphi / C++ code from Pascal Script. We do use a small amount of Pascal Script with Variables initi…