How to get the Bar Graph to work properly?


I am trying to make a report which has a Bar Graph of a column from a DataSet:


1    38,1    0    1

2    67,7    0    1

3    68,22    0    1

4    88,51   0    1

5    54,41    0    1

I have selected the "ENERGIA" column as YValues and the "DIA" column for labels:

The result is not what I was expecting:

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much.

Jayme Jeffman


  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    G'day Jayme,

    What you appear to have generated is a "stacked bar chart" (albeit a monochrome one).

    Were you expecting five separate bars?

    Off the top-of-my-head, it appears you have not specified an X-axis...

    I'll have another look when I have acxess to FastReport / TeeChart.

    Cheers, Paul

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