GIF export

Hi, after an upgrade (I don't remeber the version) the function "frxReport1->Export( frxGIFExport1 )" raise an error "Picture format not found." (also PNGExport).

What can i do?



  • G'day,

    I can't help with the specific error message (I didn't find it in a quick search of the source code).

    But one thing worth checking is if there are any frx.dcu files (and maybe fs.dcu too) on your system path from earlier instalations. If so delete them. Sometimes the units get built with your own execuatble, and then "interfere" later.

    FastReport's installer has not always done a great job with updates. (We ended up writing our own installer the just used the downladed files directly.)

    Cheers, Paul

  • Hi,

    this is the only message

    I created a test project with just one button and this is the result

    frxExport1= new TfrxGIFExport();

    frxExport1->ShowDialog = false;

    frxExport1->ShowProgress = false;

    frxExport1->SeparateFiles = false;

    frxExport1->UseFileCache = false;

    frxExport1->DefaultPath = "E:\\temp";

    frxExport1->FileName = "test";

    frxReport1->LoadFromFile( "RGaraMail.fr3");

    if( frxReport1->PrepareReport( true))

    frxReport1->Export( frxExport1 );



  • G'day Mirco,

    A Test Project I made (from your instructions) using Delphi / Pascal works as required. Both GIF and PNG Files are exported AOK.

    We are using RAD Studio 11.3 / FastReport Enterprise v2023.1.3 on Windows 11.

    That spelling error in the Dialog Box is clue! It comes from the English version of the frxRCclass.pas File (for the "clErrors" string). However the rest of the message is coming from frxExportImage.pas.

    Significantly there is a lot of space in between "format" and "not" and in the code this seems to be for the FormatName which in your case seems to be an empty string. When you run your code for a PNG File is the Dialog Box the same?

    Cheers, Paul

  • Hi,

    i am on C++ 10.1 and v2023.1.3

    Changing the creation line in

    frxExport1= new TfrxGIFExport( this);

    now it works



  • 😁

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