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G'day, The instance of TfrxPDFexport was dropped on a Form that is created once (when the App starts), and yes it is "global", so shared by all of the App's Reports. Cheers, Paul PS we use a lot of "common code" to make it very e…
Have you raised a Support Ticket? https://cpanel.fast-report.com/tickets The Forums are mainly for User interaction. FR staff do come here occasionally but I wouldn't rely on this for your "expectations". And you can improve your chance…
G'day, I am away from my desk at the moment so this answer is "from memory"! 😉 Have you checked that there is an entry in the Component Packages Form (via the IDE Menu)? And that the checkbox is ticked? We've had issues with another produc…
G'day, AFAIK only the demonstration (free) editions of FastReport have page count limits. We have the latest version for Vcl (2022.3.2 Enterprise) and a Report I was looking at this morning (analysis of a GL Audit Trail) had over 75 pages. I can't t…
G'day Sass, You probably would do better raising aTicket on the Support Site, since the Forums are mainly for Users. https://cpanel.fast-report.com/tickets FR Team members do come here, but may not do so soon enough for you. FWIW, I did raise a T…
G'day, We upgraded from Vcl 6.x a long while ago, so I don't know if there was any problem back then, but certainly with Vcl 2022.3.0 the Event is working. To prove it I added debug code to the OnNext Event in one of our Report Templates and got a…
P.S, I attach here the FR3 File for the Test Report. Cheers, Paul https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/790/A5E5IIU6D5L2.zip
G'day, I thought this might have been one of the many things fixed since Vcl 6.x so I did a trial run with FastReport Vcl 2022.3.0 and managed to reproduce your problem. The screenshots show what the HTML "should" look like, and what is di…
Oh sorry, I copied the wrong line! 🤕 It should have been [pbTools]. The other "mea culpa" is that I have now played with this setting and it doesn't seem to affect anything. I don't seem to be able to hide the Preview Toolbar! So back to …
G'day Alan, Good to hear progress is being made. Dumb question, does the setting of the PreviewOptions.Buttons Property include pbTools? Again our "Report Commons" code sets this in our PreviewSetupButtons Method. For clarity: [code] Pr…
G'day Gord, AFAIK it is a case of "Horses for Courses" 🤓 Whichever approach you choose should be driven by: * maintanability * reuse * matching the skills of the folk developing / supporting your Reports What works for me may be alien to y…
G'day Alan, OK I did a bit more digging. I don't know if the Edition is significant in this case (we have "Enterprise" but I don't think it is that different from "Professional"). Bit of background first... Our major App has 30-…
G'day Alan, I don't know about "controlled", but you might be able to use a trick we have applied in another area. Assuming your Report Component is called "AReport" you should be able to do something like: [code] with TfrxPrevi…
G'day Benno, I don't have an answer for you but a question. Have you raised a Support Ticket for this? FR Support will probably ask for a simple test program ... https://www.fast-report.com/en/support/ Cheers, Paul
G'day Wolfgang, I don't know any way to split the PDF "post" generation in FastReport. We use NitroPro for merge/split operations on PDF Files we create with FR and other sources. Is it not possible to amend your App to run the reporting p…
G'day Bernd, Glad you solved this one It is always best to have worked it through yourself, skills for the next time eh? Tschüss, Paul
[ooops! Phone ran out of battery, I didn't think my last post went out! And I hadn't fixed the typos!!] Part II You need to have declared named TfrxMemoView Objects in the designed document, then linked these to Global Variables in the Form contai…
G'day again Markku, Thanks for the update. Glad you have made progress. On you supplementary question... We do exactly what (I think) you want with code in the BeginDoc and BandBeforePrint Events. You need to have declare named "Memos" in …
G'day, When you say "newest VCL-6-Pro-Version of FastReport", am I right in assuming you actually meant Vcl v2022? There is no current v6! We are using: Delphi 11.1 (Patch #2) FastReport v2022 Enterprise extensive "inheritance&quo…
G'day Markku, You'll will appreciate that it is very difficult to help without seeing more of your design! Can you give any information on the declaration of the Data Fields? Are the Exceptions related to the original Data Elements, or intermediat…
G'day again Felipe, Looking again at your original post, I realised your question might be more about translating '%2.2n' (used in a Delphi Format Function call) to the Property value for FastReport. And my previous answer was too short (wrote it …
G'day If you are looking to do this in Delphi code it is quite easy. Firstly you need to have connected the Memo to a Delphi variable. Then you can just set the Property of the Variable to the chosen Format. The best place to do all this is in the B…
G'day Markku, This is all reasonably easy to do. In the suite of Reports in our biggest Project we use a mixture of Delphi code and "basic template stuff" from an .fr3 File (stored in the *.dfm File). But a lot of the "smarts" …
G'day, Would it be possible to post a "redacted" version of your Report Code here, so those of us with access to Source can check out why it is failing. Not sure if that is easy to do, but you might gain some insight yourself / yourselves…
OK. I am not aware of similar capability in FR. And it has been a very long time since I worked with QR. 🥴 Since the charting functionality comes from TeeChart can I suggest you ask on Steema's Forums? https://www.steema.com/support/index.php Chee…
G'day, Glad you worked out a solution that fits your requirements! I expect the investment of "six hours of trial and error" will pay you back many times over. 🤓 Cheers, Paul
G'day, I don't know what you have tried so far, or what sources of information you have looked at. But, if I understand your question correctly, this is very easy to do. In fact I was working on a Chart Report only yesterday that shows three Bars…
G'day, Have tried "inheritance"? The Reports in our biggest Project are all based on inheritance from a Template Unit, and aTemplate FR3 File. All of the common functionality is in one Delphi Unit. This allows us to have a common look, f…
G'day (again) Francisco. (Amazing what walking away and having something to eat will do...) On reinspection the source code showed that while TfrxPreview does make the method (and property) Public, it is not that Component that is used to declare th…
G'day Francisco, I've had a quick look at the source (we have a licence for v2022.1.6 Enterprise of FR Vcl) and am "puzzled". In theory you should be able to call the Last method of the Preview Object. (That is in fact what the Event Hand…