Chart with more than one Field.


How can I connect a HorizBar chart to more than one dataset field?

I mean connecting every column in serie to every field in dataset.


  • PolomintPolomint Australia


    I don't know what you have tried so far, or what sources of information you have looked at. But, if I understand your question correctly, this is very easy to do. In fact I was working on a Chart Report only yesterday that shows three Bars (Income, Expenses, Nett Amount) driven by a simple query on the client's Ledger DB. (Attached screenshot is cropped from a PDF exported of the full Report run on Client's Testbed.)

    The TeeChart documentation is the place to start:

    I assume you have a TDBChart Component linked to your Report. If you double-click on that you will get the TeeChart Editor displayed and navigating that you will get to to the place where you can add Bars and link them to Dataset Fields. If there is an existing Bar on the Chart have a look at it first to get the idea of what you need for any others you add.

    Cheers, Paul

  • Thank you for your response

    your example has 3 series.

    but I want an ability like the QuickReport to select Fields in "Single Record" mode in "DataSource" tab of TQRChart.

    I have 20 fields and it's impossible to add 20 series!

    I want to connect every field to one column and all of them in one serie.

  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    OK. I am not aware of similar capability in FR. And it has been a very long time since I worked with QR. 🥴

    Since the charting functionality comes from TeeChart can I suggest you ask on Steema's Forums?

    Cheers, Paul

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