Child Band on report not moving with detail grows too big.

I have a set of bands as

group header



Detail2 contains basically 4 memo's..1 of the memo's grows in height to accommodate text that is fed in from the script (Pascal)..

The problem I have is that childband does not move when it is overlapped by the detail2 band. It just stays where I left it.

I have hacked it for now by doing engine.cury:=detaildata2.height+25 in my script before the child2 band prints, but I thought it should move on its own?




  • PolomintPolomint Australia

    G'day Phil,

    Away from my desk right now, so I can't experiment.

    What you "thought" is my understanding too.

    I assume that "Detail2" is linked to "Childband" and is set up to resize if its collection of "memos" do.

    We have a few Reports that do just that.

    I'll check out my assumptions when I have access to our FastReport testbed...

    Cheers, Paul

  • @Polomint Hello! Paul!

    I think my issue may be two fold..

    I have a RTF, and a memo side by side set to max height.

    The memo contents is updated by an event before the band prints as it can contain a lot of content. And yes my child is linked to the band, so I assume for whatever reason that because its done this way the child doesn't know what's going on (sounds like life sometimes ;-) )

    My hack in my scripts is on the before child2 print event and that seems to have fixed it for now :-)



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