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- peteryau
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gpi wrote: » If you have a sources - you can modify frxClass.pas TfrxSysMemoView = class(TfrxCustomMemoView) public class function GetDescription: String; override; published property AutoWidth; property CharSpacing; property Color; //add t…
Draeden wrote: » The PDF export in FR5 will be improved with the following features: 1. The ability to create PDF/A-1a documents. 2. Advanced fonts embedding. The improved export will embed only needed symbols from fonts, thus considerably red…
Berti wrote: » My code was based on this chapter, already. Bu i found the problem. It just had to adjust the databand height, unfortunately the databand dont adjust his own height according to its memos height. The band can auto adjust b…
Databand only show when there is dataset attached and has at least 1 row.
With so much time waiting for an answer even if it is just a simple "NO", I had already add the auto-generation of fixed data source chart and the required scripts for nested grouping to my report generation engine. So consider this question close…
They have a better export engine which can embed only the used char and look fine in almost all OS. However, they are keeping it for FR 5, which is understandable. The problem is that they still not releasing FR 5 and we just receive endless compl…
peteryau wrote: » peteryau wrote: » Please verify these two files. "normal.pdf" is made without embedding; "embed.pdf" contains embedded fonts (SimSun, SimHei, Arial). Thanks for your demo using your new 5.0 engine. I would be most willi…
Draeden wrote: » Please verify these two files. "normal.pdf" is made without embedding; "embed.pdf" contains embedded fonts (SimSun, SimHei, Arial). Thanks for your demo using your new 5.0 engine. I would be most willing to upgrade to versio…
Thank you for your reply. Please find attached a zipped fp3 file for a sample. If you need the PDF export file from XP / Win 7, I can attach too.
I also has this problem which I don't know how to resolve. Using the font 細明體, 新細明體, simsun which is mostly used for wide compatibility, the export PDF file in XP and Win7 is not inter viewable. That is XP export view ok in XP bu…
gpi wrote: » Try to set Header1.ReprintOnNewPage to True That one I know. The problem is The Header Band (Master Data) always appear BEFORE the Group Header Band but I want it AFTER the Header Band. Thanks a lot! Current : Item No …
IanT wrote: » < you create your own functions to pass out the values to delphi. > I can't get this to work. If I buy the source code version of fr, will I be able to patch the code so that I can sort the data ? This should not b…
Draeden wrote: » Yes, the outline wil be added. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Draeden wrote: » Support for Chinese fonts will be added later. Thanks. Actually, it support Chinese fonts right now. If I choose another Chinese font with English fonts name, it got export correctly (or maybe because it is unicode font…
I don't think attaching a sample here help for this case. Everyone can see the point 1 easily if they got reports that had outline. The old export filter export also the outline part but the new one do not. For point 2, if anyone got some mul…
I got the same error when there is null in field value. It seems that the more recent version of excel export cant change null to empty string. Hoped it would be fixed soon.
My Idea is to Add a simple user function to the report then call the function in BeforePrint of the data band. In Delphi when this user function is called, goto next selection record.
A maybe dirty but simpler one? procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); var OldGroupValue :Integer; begin OldGroupValue := ; MasterData1.DataSet.Next; Line33.visi…