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gpi wrote: » Try TfrxMemoView(Sender).FillType := ftGlass; TfrxGlassFill(TfrxMemoView(Sender)).Hatch := True; Hello gpi, thx for your answer. But it doesnt work, too. Other ideas? [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" s…
Good Morning, i dont work with the dbcross. It seems a bit hard to handle. I tried this, too dbcross2.DataSet.RecNo but no success.. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/huh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":huh:" border="0" alt…
hmm. u could try to add an Pageheader. In the pageheader onbeforeprint u set Z = False (or true, just try)
well.. why it starts with Number 1 at the new page? NCG is White and receita is Grey --> seems correct?
[img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> is this the same dbcross???[/img]
i think the Event calls to often in dependence of columns... workarround maybe: var ColCount : integer;   procedure DBCross2Row1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin   colCount := colCount + 1;   if colcount = 4 then begin // play …
var z : boolean; Needs to stand on the top (over the other procedurs) U declare a global Variable.
Hi, u could try something like this: var z : boolean;    procedure DBCross2Row1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin   z := not z;    if z then tfrxmemoview(sender).color := clred                        …
Good morning, try something like this in OnBeforePrint: if tfrxmemoview(sender.parent.findobject('frxDBDataset1SubContractor1')).visible then greetz
Good morning wcardosomg, could u explain ur Problem more exactly? U want to Color 2 Rows alternately? Row1 Row2 Row3 Row4 Row5 Row6 Row7 Row8 ? Greetz
Hello again, well.. this should work! if tfrxmemoview(sender).value = 'NCG' then tfrxmemoview(sender).font.color :=clred i code with BasicScipt and there works if sender.value = "NCG" then sender.font.color = clred fine... [img]sty…
try exactly: if Sender.text = 'NCG' then Sender.font.color := clred the text from "dbcross1row1.text" isn't the same like "Sender.text" at the Moment "onbeforeprint".
Hello wcardosomg, u could use the on before Print-Event of the Cell Basic-Script sub DBCross1Row2OnBeforePrint(Sender) if sender.text <> "NCG" then sender.font.color = clred                                …
Hello gpi, thx for your answer. But it doesnt work. Nothing happened (w/o error). if i use this code, and Memo-Edit-Fill-Setting is "Brush" then the Memo Change the Color to Blue if u run the Report but no Blend and no Hatch. Â Â Â Â Â Â TfrxG…
Hello CvdP, at which Position u Call ur second code? Does this work? (coloring works, and Change Position?) Component := frxReport.FindObject('Memo41'); if Component is TfrxMemoView then begin Memo := Component as TfrxMemoView; if MyVa…
Hello cdpate, in which Event u are using the code? This works well: procedure MemoOnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin tfrxMemoView(Sender).left := 0; end; begin end. Greetz
Hello, i use Basic-Script: 'set Font-Style Memo.font.Style = fsBold + fsitalic 'Remove Font-Style Memo.font.style = 0 'Set Borderstyle Memo.frame.typ = ftTop + ftBottom + ftLeft + ftRight 'Remove Borderstyle Memo…
Propably Change the Property "AllowExpressions" to false. It isnt possible to change the Text in the "onbeforeprint" Event?
Hernando wrote: » Hi to all, I have a TfrxReport that has several bands, one which is a TfrxRichView component. If the RTF contains the symbol "[" (ASCII 91) when I execute the PrepareReport function it raises a "Expression expected error" and …
Hello, u need to set modified to true... greetz
You could use the TAG-Property with a Loop-Function
Same Problem here, any solution?
i solved my Problem. I Check the Infos at "frMainOnRunDialogs(byref Result)". If something missed i call DP_Ex.showmodal else i do nothing and the Dialog doesnt prompt. Thx
Hello, Select your Page and you'll find the Property:
Hello, same Problem here. for i = 0 to MainPage.AllObjects.Count - 1 if MainPage.AllObjects.Items[i].ClassName = "TfrxShapeView" then                                                       …
Hello, probably a solution: insert a blank memo (with dynamical height) or other object between the barcodes? greetz Freud wrote: » Hello, For printing a code bar list I have this code: var   Page : TfrxReportPage;   Band : TfrxB…
Hello, probably not the best way but its work. I use it in an AfterCalc-Height-Event (PageHeader1OnAfterCalcHeight): sub PageHeader1OnAfterCalcHeight(Sender) Dim Memox as TfrxMemoView Memox = TfrxMemoView.Create(Sender) Memox.SetBoun…
Hello, is it possible to copy a whole Text of an Memo-Field to the Clipboard? thx a lot!
Hello gordk, well, my english issn't good as it should be.. so i red the manuels but misunderstood that the whole expressions must be in [ ]. I thought each "variable" or expression embed in [ ]. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wacko.gif"…