TfrxRichView PrepareReport error

Hi to all,

I have a TfrxReport that has several bands, one which is a TfrxRichView component. If the RTF contains the symbol "[" (ASCII 91) when I execute the PrepareReport function it raises a "Expression expected error" and the word that is just after the symbol "[".

I can't understand this behavior. How can I fix this issue?

Any help will be apreciated.




  • edited 1:03AM
    Hernando wrote: »
    Hi to all,

    I have a TfrxReport that has several bands, one which is a TfrxRichView component. If the RTF contains the symbol "[" (ASCII 91) when I execute the PrepareReport function it raises a "Expression expected error" and the word that is just after the symbol "[".

    I can't understand this behavior. How can I fix this issue?

    Any help will be apreciated.



    FR expect a Function.

    U could try to Change your "[" in [Chr(91)]

  • edited 1:03AM
    FR expect a Function.

    U could try to Change your "[" in [Chr(91)]
    I can't change the "[" to [chr(91)] because the content of the TfrxRichView component is loaded from a file generated from a different application and I have no way to manage its contents.

    How can I prevent FR from expecting a function when it encounters a "[" inside the TfrxRichView?

    Thank you,

  • edited 1:03AM
    Propably Change the Property "AllowExpressions" to false.

    It isnt possible to change the Text in the "onbeforeprint" Event?
  • edited 1:03AM
    Thank you very much for your help

    I changed AllowExpressions to False, and the trowble has gone.



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