How to set TMemoView Frame Types in script

How does one set a Memo's
Memo->Frame->Typ = [ftBottom,ftTop,ftRight,ftLeft]
using code?

Also how do you set the Memo->Font->Style << fsBold , Bold, Underline style settings using code?

Any help most appreciated


  • edited 6:24PM

    i use Basic-Script:
    'set Font-Style
    Memo.font.Style = fsBold + fsitalic
    'Remove Font-Style = 0
    'Set Borderstyle                               
    Memo.frame.typ =  ftTop + ftBottom + ftLeft + ftRight
    'Remove Borderstyle
    Memo.frame.typ = 0

    In Pascal
    Memo.Font.Style := fsBold+fsItalic

  • edited 6:24PM
    Thanks SlashMaster

    I tried the equivalent in C++

    Memo->Frame->Typ = ftTop + ftBottom + ftLeft + ftRight;

    but it would not compile with error message

    [bcc32 Error] OSSMainFRReport.cpp(1264): E2034 Cannot convert 'int' to 'TfrxFrameTypes'

    and the same for the Style Setting

    Memo->Font->Style = fsBold;

    gave the following compile error

    [bcc32 Error] OSSMainFRReport.cpp(1212): E2034 Cannot convert 'TFontStyle' to 'TFontStyles'

    I would have thought the same method would work in Pascal as C++.

  • edited 6:24PM
    Ive got an answer on the Font Styles.

    This works for C++

    Memo->Font->Style = TFontStyles();
    Memo->Font->Style = Font->Style << fsBold;

    But I still can't get the Frame Types to work in C++

    Any help would be appreciated.
  • gpigpi
    edited 6:24PM
    But I still can't get the Frame Types to work in C++
    TfrxMemoView * Memo;
    Memo = (TfrxMemoView *)frxReport1->FindObject("Memo1");
    Memo->Frame->Typ = TfrxFrameTypes();
    Memo->Frame->Typ = Memo->Frame->Typ << ftTop << ftBottom;

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