Setting space between each printed bar code
For printing a code bar list I have this code:
This code works fine so, I need to make space between each printed bar code. This space is a value entered in a TEdit by the user in order to set the desired space according to the space in the paper. I tried the top property but it doens't works for me.
Can you help me please ?
And sorry for my english
For printing a code bar list I have this code:
  Page : TfrxReportPage;
  Band : TfrxBand;
  Bar  : TfrxBarCodeView;
  I : Integer;
      Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxReport1);
      Band:= TfrxReportTitle.Create(Page);
      Band.Top:= 0;
      Band.Height:= 20;
      for I := 0 to BarCodeCount do
        Bar := TfrxBarCodeView.Create(Band);
        Bar.Text:= datamodule1.art_anxCODE_BARRE.asString;
        Bar.Height:= BarCodeHeight;
    //    Bar.BarType:=bcEAN13;
        Bar.Left:= BarCodeLeft;
        Bar.Align:= baNone;
This code works fine so, I need to make space between each printed bar code. This space is a value entered in a TEdit by the user in order to set the desired space according to the space in the paper. I tried the top property but it doens't works for me.
Can you help me please ?
And sorry for my english
probably a solution: insert a blank memo (with dynamical height) or other object between the barcodes?