Mark Junker
Mark Junker
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- Mark Junker
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Hi, Flavio wrote: » Does FastReport.NET works with .NET CORE on Linux/MAC OS? I don't think so, but it would be nice if there would've been a version for .NET Core. I'd definitely be in need of such a version [img]style_emoticons/<#E…
nzmhtpgl wrote: » Any idea? Method #1: - call Prepare() - call PrintPrepared(printerSettings) The only thing you have to find out are the printer settings for the default printer, but this should be quite easy. You find more inform…
I guess that you use an outdated version of the FastReport.SQLite project. Here is what I did: - Download FRNetConnections.zip from the "Extras" section of the following page: FR.NET Downloads - Open with VS2012 (Conversion of project files) -…
Just get the sources for FastReport.SQLite, add the missing method 'FastReport.Data.DataConnectionBase.QuoteIdentifier(string, System.Data.Common.DbConnection)', recompile your stuff and everything should work again. It seems that FastReport.SQLite …
AlexTZ (thank you very much for responding to the support request almost immediately) gave us the solution: Set "FirstRowStartsNewPage" to true: This property affects both StartNewPage and KeepWithData and its real meaning seems to be "FirstRowCa…
I'm not sure what happens there but you may take a look at the FastReport.Utils.Config.LoadConfig function. It seems that FastReport wants to load some configuration from a given directory. I would try to run the ProcessMonitor to see where the proc…
The problem still isn't fixed (1.9.20). This is a somewhat urgent (and really annoying) matter for us and it's very sad that the FR team isn't able to show some sign of life in this forum.
Paulo Freire wrote: » Est?? me apresentando um erro de "Showing a modal dialog box" veja meu c??digo: I'm not sure what you're telling us here, but it seems that you are using the shown code in an ASP.NET application. Using a modal dialog…
We just bought a license for 1.9.x and it seems that the problem isn't fixed yet (tested with Please fix this problem soon because it's really annoying.
IngoFR wrote: » I have a little problem with a data header that prints on the bottom of a page instead of sticking with its data band on the next page... As far as I understand the property KeepWithData should do the trick but it doesn't work o…
Great news! Good job!
AlexTZ wrote: » There is no report.Design() method that can accept a Form parameter as an owner form. The "public bool Design(Form mdiParent)" overload accepts MDI form only. Okay, thank you for clearing up this misunderstanding of this fun…
AlexTZ wrote: » Hello, Ok, I will fix the report.Show and report.ShowPrepared methods. Is there any methods to fix? Please change Report.Design too. Hmm ... I thought that I saw something in the export modules too ... but I cannot find …
You can probably use the StartReport event as shown in the following post: DataSet