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I've already done it I installed it on another computer, then I copied all unpacked files to my computer and did recompile. but this is just a workaround. I don't know what is causing the problem.
previously I've deleted all frx* files. But now I have found frcd14.bpl file. That was the reason. So, problem solved.
Yes, I have checked Library Path. Old Fastreport path is removed. I also renamed FastReport 4 directory.
Check, if the field is empty.
On export document (pdf) my line number doesn't exists, but when to print then it is.
Gerardo Arana wrote: » It shows perfect, but now how do I get it out on the print you want me to explain how to do it? But I showed. Please analize my OnBeforePrint procedure.
You can get the effect. Put a memo exactly into item field and set Align property = alLeft; Then declare an integer variable and procedure DBCross1Object1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin   inc(i);   TfrxMemoView(Sender).Left :…
if z then tfrxmemoview(sender).color := clred        else tfrxmemoview(sender).color := clWhite
if Trim(TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text) = 'NCG' then     TfrxMemoView(Sender).font.color := clred;
Try to hide and show again dialog form/ procedure DialogPage1OnShow(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin   DialogPage1.Visible := False;   DialogPage1.Visible := True;      end;
You can use second page as Subreport or place all objects from second page on DetailBand (in 1-st page) and set Start with new page
add frxClass to uses
TfrxReport(frxReport).Report.PrintOptions.printmode := pmJoin;
mickymaxx wrote: » you have to set the property that. select group section -> select option tab -> insert 1 in the text box of the filed name new page after 1 visible group Thus your problem should be solve. select option tab ? W…
Did you found any solution?
basswar wrote: » I would create a local TImage variable in the report's obp event and draw these lines on its canvas How to draw those lines on its canvas. By hand? Or some automatic way?
Please show me a little example how to do that. I showed in the first post so I tried that.
I've tried this, but is doesn't works!
But where to use it? OnBeforPrint Before PrepareReport . . . etc
jamertroy wrote: » Looks like this is one tough issue. Have you verified with support yet f this feature is possible? No, I haven't, but I think this feature isn't possible yet!
gordk wrote: » a lot will depend upon how you designed your report initially. the first thing to do would be to run a query to retrieve the idNo of customers that have invoices to be emailed and their email adresses. then run the report in a whi…
I found the answer. Report.Pages[0].Name it is a 'Data' instead 'Page1' Correct form is Report.Pages[1].Name
Can onyone to help me? It's very needed!
I had the same problem and I still don't have a solution. But I walked around the problem by formatting value as text. CAST (1.123456 AS VARCHAR(10)) AS Number
I found a solution. It was that simple. for i:= 0 to  CheckListBox1.Items.Count -1 do if CheckListBox1.Checked[i] then
I still have no idea how to create a vertical field like this (even with subreport)
OK, I got it. On GroupHeader band have to set "reset page number" and "start from new page" Now it's works.
OK, I did try FRDemo "What's new in FastReport 4" section To my fr3 file I added GroupHeader band (group by every record) and set "Reset page numbers" on true; But It doesn't works. I still have pages 1/4 instead of 1/2 and 1/2
The sample works ok, but it is not answer for my problem. Try use one fr3 file to print few records from database. For every record numbering should start from one!
gpi wrote: » gpi wrote: » 1.9.1 Numbering of pages in a composite report You can use the ?«Page,?» ?«Page#,?» ?«TotalPages,?» and ?«TotalPages#?» system variables for displaying a page number or a total number of pages. In composite reports,…