how to store and extract integer value to CheckListBox
How to add and then extract integer value to CheckListBox?
I did something like this:
But how to extract ID value?
I Try this:
I get error: too many parameters
I did something like this:
if DS_Stawki.Active then DS_Stawki.Close;
  while not DS_Stawki.Eof do
  begin             Â
  DS_Stawki.Next;                                 Â
But how to extract ID value?
I Try this:
for i:= 0 to  CheckListBox1.Items.Count -1 do
if CheckListBox1.Checked[i] then
    ID := Integer(CheckListBox1.Items.Objects[i]);
I get error: too many parameters
It's very needed!
ID := StrToInt( VarToStr( CheckListBox1.Items.Objects))