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- haryonorudy
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If need all bitmaps, formatting and font sizes of 2.x get ready in FR3, you can use Fr2x-Fr3xConverter. This utility can download from FR site. In think the problem not come from FR3 but the SaveTo (streaming) feature in FR2. From 3.0 many improv…
1. Please explain more what do you want to ask? 2. Please explain more what do you want to ask? (the component constraint my program...?) 3. ? 4. ? 5. i think just send that are created before 6. what is the "Link Report" in Report Builder term?
There are 2 ways as i know: 1. Add new page in your report and copy the additional report to this new page 2. Use sub report Another way, if you don't want to make any change is using Virtual Printer program, this program can combine any printo…
"RowCount=6" in FR is used for show only 6 records not for print 6 records each page. To solve this problem yu can use [LINE] variable: if [LINE] MOD 6 =0 THEN "Start new page". Please refer to FR 3.0 Manual for details.
Just make a second tabel and read each record of First table according to CODE field. The second table may have SALESMANS and BUYERS field as varchar(200) depend on how many Salesman in that group. Another way is using Cube. Take a look at www.pi…
There are 2 ways to solve your problem: 1. Use Unlimited Paper Length options 2. If u split into 2 pages you may forget to connect the to dataset on Page 2. And pay attention to 'Collate' on printer options.
Try on LX-800 or LQ 1170/2170/2180 and see the different, most user have problem on LX-300 series may including yours.
you can use writeln()
Just click on menu View - Toolbars - Data Tree. If the Data Tree say "no data available" its meant you have not link your report to any frx dataset (simple add frxdataset on your Delphi form).