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Try to fill chart from script https://www.fast-report.com/public_download/docs/FRVCL/online/en/FastReportVCL/UserManual/en-US/Diagrams/Chart_completion_from_Script.html
https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/236/ZWIA2AA85C86.png See here
Try to completely uninstall FR and install latest build of FR VCL
Use one instance of TfrxReport and use TfrxReport.PrepareReport(False). PrintOnPreviousPage will works in this case
Remove all old FR's bpls from SysWOW64, IDE's public BPL (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\Bpl\ for example) and VirtualStore (C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore) folders and then run FR installer again
var v: Variant;
Set object's Visibility property to [vsPrint]
Set CommaText for TStrings
No, Task was created
Set TfrxHTMLExport.ExportPictures to True
Yes, you can create custom function and call format c: from Delphi's code
You can't to use Delphi's units in the script. Use custom functions: https://www.fast-report.com/public_download/docs/FRVCL/online/en/DeveloperManual/en-US/Custom_Functions_Connection_to_Report.html
See here: https://www.fast-report.com/public_download/docs/FRVCL/online/en/UserManual/en-US/Script/Printing_the_group%27s_sum_total_in_the_groups_header.html
Hi everyone, I need to have my clients sign invoices using a graphometric signature tablet. Can anyone tell me how it works and what to do? Red signature as image in the Delphi and then show this image in the TfrxPictureView object
FR FMX doesn't have DMP reports support
Try to add TfrxDetailData band with RowCount = 1, move memos from MasterData to DetailData, set DetailData.RowCount based on LENGTH value in the MasterData.OnBeforePrint event in the script
There is no such limit. See 44.fr3 from FastReportDemo "Dialogs and script" section "Choosing records to print" report
What Version does this correspond to here in the forums? Fast Report VCL
FR doesn't have such feature
use TfrxPageHeader band, set TfrxGroupHeader.Height to 0 use Page1.OnBeforePrint event: procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin MasterData1.Dataset.First; end;
Does anyone have an example of how this kind of operation can be completed efficiently without excessive memory usage? No, FR doesn't have other features. Create 64-bit application to prevent 'Out of memory' errors
Try to reinstall Delphi 12
Can't load package C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\Bpl\dclfrxTee29.bpl. %1 is not a valid Win32 application Run Delphi's installer and install Steema TeeChart Components
Use in the report's script (free FR Embarcadero edition doesn't have script support): procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin if MasterData1.DataSetName = 'MissingPostCodes' then Memo1.Text :=' Missing Post Codes' else if Mas…
https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/800/8T0EI33EHY0C.zip See demo project in the attach
You may store some some values from subreport and then use it in the main report. FR's script is common for whole report
No, FR doesn't allow this
security can be set only if PDF standard is NONE Yes
You can use TfrxSubreport too