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- gpi
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- Members, FR Team
Use one instance of TfrxPDFExport in the project
No, use run-time designer
FR 4 doesn't have native QR codes support, try to test latest FR VCL 2023.1 https://www.fast-report.com/en/download/public_files/267/
Try to use compiled FRDemo
Set Page1.LargeDesignHeight to True
Do double click on the Calculation combobox https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/139/UCKATFFFQB35.png
Try to uninstall FR (find and remove FR's GetIt entries from registry) and install it again
Use Memo.Text
Send sample of your subreports data to support.com
Copy ssl dlls from FR's Bin folder to your appliation folder
Set TfrxCheckBox.Expression to Random > 0.5
FR 6 doesn't have Delphi 11 support. Use FR VCL 2023
Try to use MasterData1.Dataset.Open; MasterData1.Dataset.First; in the PageHeader.OnBeforePrint event
Use https://cpanel.fast-report.com for support FR 5 and later scan all datasets to get fields' types. It needs some time for this. You may modify FR's sources comment ds.GetFieldList(FieldsList); in the frxDataTree.pas
FR doesn't have such feature. Try to create user's function to set export dialog filename from Delphi's code (will be called from script)
Copy ssl dlls from FR's Bin folder to your appliation folder
Try to set C:\Temp\fr.ini instead of \Software\Fast Reports
If you want to use FR for non-installed Steema TeeChart packages - you should install Steema TeeChart first. If you have Steema TeeChart Professional - run FR's recompile/exe with "Run as administrator" option and change TeeChart version
No, FR FMX doesn't have such feature. Use FR VCL
Use YearOf(<frxDBDataset1."StartedOn">)*100 + MonthOf(<frxDBDataset1."StartedOn">) for month and year condition
FR doesn't have such feature
Use frxReport1.PreviewPages.LoadFromFile('d:\boleto.fr3'); frxReport2.PreviewPages.LoadFromFile('d:\teste.fr3'); frxReport1.PreviewPages.AddFrom(frxReport2); frxReport1.Preview:=frxPreview1; frxReport1.ShowPreparedReport;
Press No button to disable loading FR for TeeChart packages
You should use different queries (Master-Detail) instead of same query
What does "active in screen" means?
It seems you should change FR's sources only
Use Engine.ShowBand(Child1)
Is page's size available for your printer?
Try to set TfrxReport.EngineOptions.UseFileCache and TfrxReport.PreviewOptions.PictureCacheInFile to True
https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/079/25TXJWKWAA7D.zip See a sample in the attach