- Username
- gpi
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- 487
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- Members, FR Team
Create demo project without FR (with TOLEContainer only) to show what you want to get and send it to support.com.
Try to use run-time designer (add TfrxDesigner and use frxReport1.DesignReport to show it).
Press "Restore Defaults" button in te designer's View-Options window
See here: https://www.fast-report.com/buy#delphi
Send your current report template (fr3) and prepared report (fp3) to support.com
There are some improvements in the latest FR VCL 2025.1 to speed up FR Designer. Try FR VCL 2025.1
This "grayed out" meand that FR VCL and FS will be installed by default.
FR FMX doesn't have Skia support
Add TfrxUserDataset.OnPrior event procedure TForm1.frxUserDataSet1Prior(Sender: TObject); begin dec(i); end;
Use latest FR VCL 2024.2.9
Create small demo project and send it to support.com
Changes.txt will be updated with next release
See here: https://www.fast-report.com/news/fastreport-vcl-2024.2
Use BIFF8, XLSX or XML export filters
Works OK. FR VCL 2024.2.9, Delphi 12.1, Windows 10 64bit, MS Excel 2013 installed (needs to work OLE TfrxXLSExport)
Yes https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/320/VYOTB75BAVUI.png
Use "Restore Defaults" option in the designer's menu View - Options
Try to modify FR's sources to exclude frxWinCrypt unit usage
Use TfrLocalizationController. Set TfrLocalizationController.Language, add frLanguageLANGUAGENAME units in the ises list to enable LANGUAGENAME languages
Development of FR 4 stopped 10 years ago. This feature was added to our task list
Thank you for your info!
Try to delete all FR's dat files and run FR's installer again
Remove all ld FR's files from the system
See TfrxReport.Version
Yes, just change TfrLocalizationControler.Language
You can't change this behavior in the FR 4. Some inprovements will be available later.
Latest FR VCL 2024.2.7 allow this. Add TfrxLocalizationControler, add frLanguage_LangName in the uses list and set Language property
Try to play with DisableTpPtCorrection/EnableTpPtCorrection from frxExportPDFHelpers or use latest FR VCL 2024.2.7
Try to use latest FR VCL 2024.2.7 - is issue slill exists?
Did you tried to install FR's packages first (without compiling)?