How to convert design-time report Memo.UTF8W property to code

I want to convert a report from design-time creation to compile time.

I have a page footer in the report with a TFrxmemoview, that summates a Value (from DFM) :


   object Footer1: TfrxFooter

    object Memo2: TfrxMemoView

     DisplayFormat.DecimalSeparator = ','

     DisplayFormat.FormatStr = '%2.2f'

     DisplayFormat.Kind = fkNumeric

     Memo.UTF8W = (




I Left the non relevant properties out.

How to convert the  Memo.UTF8W property? The property does not exist in code. I tried the .AsText, the lines.Add(..) etc. They do not work. The summation value stays empty. As such I do not know if the problem is somewhere else, e.g. the DetailLevel or Masterdata1 reference. The rest works fine.




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