What should I do when the size of the MasterHeader is out of design form?


I'm using delphi 10.4.

There was a problem designing the report.

The size of the report is A4, and we put Page Header, Column Header,

I design MasterHeader, but the size of MasterHeader

It's out of design form.

What should I do in this case?

Change the Paper Size size to any size in the design form and design it.

I changed the PaperSize size to A4.

However, when printing, it didn't change to A4 and the paper size became user size.

There was an inconvenience of having to change to A4 size when printing.

Is there anything else I need to change besides Properties Papersize when I change it to an arbitrary size?


  • G'day,

    I am not sure I understand the question. In particular the reference to "MasterHeader ... out of design form". The types of Bands available (at least in FastReport v2023.x) are shown in the screenshot below. I don't see a "MasterHeader".

    All of our Reports are designed (and printed) as A4 format. Some of them allow the User to choose either Landscape or Portrait mode. In all cases the display of "Headers" is full width (after allowance for Margins / Gutter). We haven't had to specify the paper-size anywhere other than in the Designer on the "Page1" Properties (see screenshot below).

    The only thing I can think of is that you have an object on your "MasterHeader" that is not re-sizing / aligning appropriately when the code executes. What settings do the visible items in the "MasterHeader" have for their "Align" Properties?

    You may need to set one or more to "baRight" or "baWidth" to ensure that they display where you expect...

    Cheers, Paul

  • I changed the picture below to A4 after changing it to user paper for design and design.

    However, when printed like the third picture, it appears as user paper.

  • Set Page1.LargeDesignHeight to True

  • Thank you.

    I'm dealing with FastReport for the first time, and it has this function.

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