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MarcoTheFirst wrote: » Hi there A while ago you helped me figure out a way to add XPO business objects as datasource in FR. For some reason I'm now starting to have problems again. Please refer to my sample project in the attachment. The proble…
Hy, too. sounds as it has nothing to do with FR, more with the settings of the DB or the prog using the DB. Can you see the records direct in the db (dbviewer)? Are they correct? If yes, is there an ODBC- or other DB-driver which is not adjusted…
Guess you mean that the menu in the fast-report-editor shall be Romanian... see multilang.txt: "Use the RES\multilang.exe wizard to generate multi-language resource file. It will create the frxMultiLang.pas unit with the following contents: un…
That's what I am doing: build an origin dot-matrix-report (File - new - dotmatrix) and print it to file (frxReport1.PreviewPages.SaveToFile(strFile)). works fine. I never tried to export a standard-report to dotmatrix, but as you have loads of gr…
Font size: set object property Font to 12, 15 or 17 cpi to true. in addition you can set the property "wide" to true. size of row: I don't think so. Try to send the coresponding ESCAPE-Commands (see printer's handbook): - create text object My…
Hi, I don't think that FR can do this. I guess you need a Stringgrid which has a print-component. I think DevExpress with its XtraGrid has such a component. hth Sascha
hi, If you don't want to change the position of a field in your report, change the property ShiftMode to smDontShift. To the second question,: If you want to have a space before the number, I guess you should add it in the field-definition before …
I had some very similar problems. To use different fontstyles (e.g. size) in a matrix-row is not a good idea. Example: you have a field1 with 12cpi and the next field2 (memo) with 17 cpi. In the second row, the field1 is no more printed as it is a…
got it now, thanks. had two errors: big first: I saved the template, not the prepared report (frxRep.previewpage.SavetoFile) second: I opened it as template, not as preparedreport (as you mentioned). thank you Sascha
Hi ncson, I'm using a Form in Delphi (FR3.08 and Firebird 1.5), there I added TfrxDBDataset, showing in property 'Dataset' to TpFIBDataset, showing in property 'Database' to Application's-TpFIBDatabase That's it. Same works with queries. Re…
Hi zatch, you wrote: >The program should create a table. Top row will be filled with field names. >And then contents of the database should be filled in following rows. > >Basically all I need is to print a DBGrid. AFAIK there is…
Hi chuycova, is the report's size variable or is the text you are printing longer and less long? If so, put the textfield (dmpMemo) in an extra detail-band and FR will shorten or prolong the report. hth sascha
Hi Wolfgang, seems to me as if there is still potential in amelioration ;-). I'm not going to buy FR before my problems aren't solved, even when FR is the best RepGen I've seen, considering the dot-matrix-solutions. regards from Karlsruhe,…
No change. Strange thing: I can call the procedure the first time with success, second time, same session, no data is shown. Even when I create an new instance of FrxReport and free it: Function tfrmPrint.PrintAuftragSpool(strFile: String; strDr…
yeap, that did it. thx.
I had the same problem and use a workaround: the problem ist that FR cannot handle multi-column component-positioning errorfree in a dmr-report. I added a Dummy-memo-field with no content with a width from start of the row to the field with the dat…
Hi there, unfortunately I have to go on with that report-design. Any suggestions about my problem? thanks Sascha
If you have the preview you can got to the print-icon, then the print-dialoq appears. The ESC-Option is only shown when the report is a dpm-report and you inserted the frxdotmatrixexport-component beside the frxReport-component. regards Sascha
In the datamodul form I have the frxReport and the frxDotMatrixExport-components. The report itself is a dmp-Report with the tfrxdmppage and tfrxdmpmemos. btw: using the wizard for a new dmp-Report I get an error 'Accessviolation in modul frx7.bp…
I've found the problem: in the print-dialog the setting fpr ESCAPE-commands were "none". I selected "EPSON Generic", now, in a first view, everything works fine.... regards Sascha
Aih, hm, I set my Printer to IBM Emulation: no success I set it back to Epson Emulation, renamed the printer to "Epson Generic" and copied the file 'printers.xml' into the directory where the exe is: no change. what am I doing wrong? regar…
Have the same problem. I am using OKI ML 391/395. The reason for trying FR is the new dotmatrix-feature. What is an EPSON generic printer? I tried Epson compatible 24pins, but all columns were printed with the same (very fast, btw) layout. Sys…