Multi-column dot matrix report

I??m trying to create a dot matrix report with 2 columns in a master band and a 5 character gap between each column.

Each band have 2 lines of text. The first one is printed in normal text, and the second is printed in wide character. The problem is that the first line keep 5 chars gap, and the second line, wich is wide, also keep 5 chars gap. As the width of wide char is bigger the width of normal char, the second column is not printed the way it had to be.

How can I solve this problem? I tried to change the gap in code (OnBeforePrint), but doesn??t worked.



  • diaswdiasw Germany
    edited 6:47AM
    I had the same problem and use a workaround:
    the problem ist that FR cannot handle multi-column component-positioning errorfree in a dmr-report. I added a Dummy-memo-field with no content with a width from start of the row to the field with the data, so fr can calculate the postion of the data correctly:

    not really a big thing, but it works.


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