Romanian language

Hy! I am currently downloaded Fastreport 3. I need to make reports using romanian language. Is it possible to make reports using romanian language???
I saw in fast reports folder some language resources -> i tried to instal romanian but nothing happened.
Please help! (i ma using delphi 7)


  • diaswdiasw Germany
    edited 7:23AM
    Guess you mean that the menu in the fast-report-editor shall be Romanian...
    see multilang.txt:
    "Use the RES\multilang.exe wizard to generate multi-language resource file.
    It will create the frxMultiLang.pas unit with the following contents:

    unit frxMultiLang;


    procedure SetEnglishResources;
    procedure SetRussianResources;


    You need to include this unit into your app. To switch the resources, just
    call one of SetXXXResources methods."


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